Tuesday, December 29, 2009

How Long It Takes Omeprazole To Work

[EDJI] Slimer

Sorry for the torticollis ... Iphone, it's his fault!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Sheffield Cutlery-b. Thomas&co. England


♥ Edji - Berger (e) German (e) 2 months ♥

is one of my Christmas presents:) finally it is the gift of my family is going to say this because bundle of joy of love is the bitch of my parents now (because it will be with them) but my sisters and I are well aware that it is ours! :) She is adorable but there is a little sad to see her sad too .. She comes from a farm and all his brothers and sisters are gone already and she was alone with her "parents" ... Moooh is cute lol ^ ^ '

Since this morning she is asleep but I'm sure she'll quickly understand what it may well serve its huge paws .. And his sharp little teeth ^ ^

And you've got what then?

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Taking A Xanax Hour After Drinking

[3615MYLIFE] Exorcism

I needed to make this drawing of Kyara to help me better appreciate it. I took the time to look, to observe it. Obviously, it did not clear my approach and seemed intrigued but it was a very good model.

must say that at this moment, my relationship with Kyara are strained ... In the heat (but do not expect it to piss me off), she likes to do all the crap unimaginable in an apartment ... She empties the drawer, she empties the trash, she pisses everywhere (chaleurs. ..), she nic curtains of the room, the room and all rooms where she could have access. Ie all parts of the apartment ' because it can open doors! This weekend before leaving I made sure to leave a big bowl of fresh water, a bowl of kibble well stocked and I blocked the door to the hallway with a broom that she goes to pee in my room.
In the salon, she has a cat tree, toys and all my furniture which is also a little toys now ... Well she came to open the door by removing the brushes I do not know how to empty the trash from my room in my room to unroll a roll of toilet paper in its entirety, dropping stuff in the tub and dropping my GPS transferred 48 of the show earlier in my room thinking it safe ...

She will not touch my Christmas present from my mom! It is already here and I can not imagine my reaction if she had scratched, peed on my beloved lecturer:

I would not have survived. Kyara
And not really.

So this drawing helped me to better love it because it's hard right now and we can not say she wants to give me great affection despite my attempts to "self-control" against his actions abusive ...

So until she understands that she has little chance of getting caught in the flat ass' bah I take on me ... I wait and I wipe his mistakes.

Sorry for the lack of news these days. I try to work to bail out after buying the car but socially I still can not go to the people, customers, and so it's hard when I landed a contract, I let go of shot ..