Sunday, November 28, 2010

Running Spandex Tights


This morning I fly over the titles of information on the various newspapers NET ...

New dominates all others and is even a paper of some newspapers.

This happens in France in 2010, a new interest to everyone because it is omnipresent in the media ...

A new incredible that no one is supposed to know as precisely the role of newspapers is to inform readers about events unavailable to their direct knowledge.

The journalist is there to report the important news we're supposed to ignore, can not fit through ourselves to sources of information, he said. It moves, investigation, questions to get the valuable information.

And what is this essential information which the newspapers keep harping today, information that we're supposed to ignore if we have not yet read the ducks?


journalists Bravo! What a beautiful job you do!

See you soon, informed and discerning reporters sent special appointment in the newspapers the next rain shower.

Raphaël Zacharie de Izarra

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

#### Star Chelsea Charms



You ask me to intervene on your behalf about things that are said about you or around you in these places ...

Know that I have a report with more distant FACEBOOK I visit less and less.

In general I accept all friend requests without looking too closely behind the nicknames. Much out of laziness than a lack of curiosity about the members of this network-bin World general hyper (necessarily uninteresting for the beautiful spirit that I am).

Actually I despise growing social network Facebook, which to me seems to be a huge receptacle for rubbish and vanities.

I am using this network only for "make up the numbers," multiply "entries izarriennes" on GOOGLE and increase my popularity with search engines. This is essentially and purely selfish and not Facebookien.

Therefore I attach little importance to gossip, truths, lies, and drivel about sterile say that on Facebook, both on my own account only about others.

I even thought a few days ago to destroy my account as an inexhaustible well of this foolishness and stupidity that is heartbreaking FACEBOOK is far from the heights of my soul izarrienne. At the last minute I changed my mind: to destroy my account reduce my popularity on the NET. It's the only reason I do not destroy my Facebook account.

All this to mean that I read almost no posts of each other deposited at the bottom of my texts and photos posted on Facebook and even less to answer, with some exceptions. All this seems as tedious and unnecessary.

Facebook is a network that has gradually been designed so that it becomes an inexhaustible well of drivel that I mentioned earlier, everything is done so that reactions such as yours are born that mass constant miasma. The trap is to respond as you do in order to "restore truths" or defend your honor, your respectability.

Very clever of the designers of this global network!

If unlike me you have no self-interest to stay on Facebook, a tip: leave the largest network of seedy world!

Facebook is an octopus with arms that will replicate indefinitely: once you get into the game, it never comes out! Whenever you post something on Facebook, new branches from your publication soon (reactions and reactions to reactions, etc.. ) and you feel compelled to respond to solicitations potentially exponential which invariably occur if each member of FACEBOOK reacts as you do now!

FACEBOOK's strength is not only purely technical qualities but above all its impact and psychological mode. The proof: you feel compelled to bring developed while you might well not waste your time on such nonsense either by ignoring them or by simply deleting your account ...

FACEBOOK has been specifically designed for this: that any portion of this social network on the average Internet quickly become indispensable to its reputation, its image, its "value" real or imaginary. Did you know that very few people put false information in their Facebook profile?

FACEBOOK naturally encourages people to put real information about their life on their profile.

Interesting, no?

mind trendy popular jeuniste, GP, "Coca Cola" FACEBOOK m'insupporte particular. ORANGE is the spirit or TF1: neither more nor less than an extensive manipulation of the masses is purely profit, hegemonic a false humanism systematically pulling everything down on the pretext of "think globally" ...

Smart people like you should understand and do not enter traps FACEBOOK. So I suggest you act on FACEBOOK with a much more critical and less formal over anything that is done and said about you. I leave you the option to act accordingly.

Besides, I'll publish this text on FACEBOOK, just to show my detachment from the global garbage (I will not mention your identity).

Raphaël Zacharie de IZARRA