Saturday, February 26, 2011

Guys In Thongs Wrestling

No news is good news ...

Well almost, because since the reunion with my men, I'm not exactly on top of my game. Gastroenteritis has been through it, immersing myself in a state of fatigue that I had experienced since my pregnancy. Not even the courage to pound on my keyboard is saying!

The weather has unfortunately not helped . For two weeks he desperately gray and ugly.
to oblivion getaways in the mountains with my father. Walk around with mud up to your calves? Not my trip right now ...

Even Halong Bay is always
on stand-by (in fact, with the accident that claimed the lives of twelve tourists last week, envy us almost a little past). Hope that some semblance of good sunshine wants to point the tip of her nose to try their luck in the course of next week.

"A bad time is more easier to bear when expected " says always compelling website that I visit daily to know the weather. Really?

Fortunately, my father seems rather take things philosophically. After a first initial shock with the city (more than expected for someone who lands a hamlet of 200 inhabitants barely), he quickly slipped into the clothes of the perfect fighter to be unable to leave for inch his new camera.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tooth Extraction Sore Gums

Photo of the Month: Treasure Hunt

We are already on 15 - noon, Paris - fateful moment in which the bloggers participating in The photo of the month publish a cliché based on a theme. This month's theme by Nolwenn was "My Treasure."
With such states, I was certainly spoiled for choice in the matter. And under my own roof, what is more. But no! In Throughout my long wanderings Hanoians, my goal (actually, the back of my iPhone) has instead turned to the few banks in the form of a plump pig.
Okay, I assume. With this picture, which carries the echo of the hard cash, I decided to be venal. A widespread belief that the spirit of my host country (based veeeeeery money) starts to relax on my little person ... Ouch!
And the other participants in the photo of the month, what treasures they have unearthed? Answer on their respective blogs: 100driiine , Alice , Anne, Anne fra Sveits , blogoth67 , Caro, Caro [line] , Caroline, Celia , Céliano , Celine, Celine in Paris , Chouchou , Clara, Claude , Cynthia , Damien , DelphineEtJulie , Doremi , Doréus , Dorydee , Ennairam , Fabienne , Francis, Frankonorsk , Genki , Godnat , Gouli , William , Jo Ann , The azimutée , Mandy, Marie , Marion, Melanie , Nathalie, Olivier , Pépinette , Sandrine , Sebastian , Shandar , Sophie , Stéphane , Drum Major , Tania , TItem , Veronique , Virginia and Viviane .

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Teak Wood Replacement

Those who love me will fly

You know the saying ... "If Mohammed does not go to the mountain is the mountain going to Mohammed" . Thus, at this very moment, my father - along with my two men back home - getting ready to board a Boeing Company Vietnam Airlines for its first long-haul flight. And its infancy in Asia, it goes without saying!

I fear somewhat the culture shock it will face right out of the plane, but at the same time, I fun ahead of his big eyes staring face a whole new world. Will he break into the charm? I hope.

Other candidates for the sequel, if not? The guest room still shows a lot of cash ... J

Friday, February 11, 2011

My Tiffany Notes Letter Round Pendant

She speaks Vietnamese!

must be held sacred that I made progress in recent months viet. The evidence? Between the November edition of the local IT and the current issue, my understanding of taglines coverage increased from about 5% to almost 100%. Too strong, is not it?

Well, okay, I do not always freelance great thing to share the common wishes of good year but the price remains at less reasonable: 39'500 dong ($ 2) instead of 205,000 charged by the grocery store the Metropole Hotel for the French edition ($ 10.50). That makes a won ...

Long live Vietnam IT, therefore, which launches this month its fourth edition!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hiv Test Accuracy In 2010

Love, health, prosperity!

During the days of Tet, the temples and pagodas in Hanoi are familiar with the crowds of big days. It comes most often in family, fake flowers in hand, incense sticks under their arms and bundles of small bills lining their pockets. In an atmosphere halfway between the solemn and good child, each there goes his little prayer. Purpose of transaction: curry favor from Heaven!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Kates Payground Gallery

a visit to Bat Trang for Tet Tet

Since we are based in Hanoi, I rarely had occasion to cross the Red River to go into the eastern outskirts of the city (the name Hanoi means " below River "). But I love the view which was en route to the Long Bien railway bridge designed by Gustave Eiffel in the early twentieth century e . This does not fail to remember each After my very first contact with the city, twelve years ago now, when knocked about a brave little backpacker, I arrived in the opposite direction from China.

short, the opportunity to span the river was presented yesterday, Hadrian and I expected at the third day of Tet in Bat Trang, the birthplace of Lien, some 20 km southeast of Hanoi.

I will not hide a slight apprehension at the thought of spending a whole day in "guest star" in the midst of strangers - except for Link and his son of course - but the opportunity was too good to live inside of Tet, in a representative family of a good part of Vietnamese society.

Alas, in the preparations for our mini-expedition, I thought of anything but to recharge the battery of my camera, why I can serve you a few lousy shots as iPhone3 ...

Link, his son and my little Ha Trung (Drien)
Family visit to the village pagoda
The altar with its many offerings of food, beer, money, false ingots, ...
The back side altar, with a few ceramic vases that are the hallmarks of the village of Bat Trang
Back to the house and shoot along the Red River
Exchange "lucky money" in * the watchful eye the paternal grandmother Link
What's good with the dong, is that we are millionaires soon ...
A bit of pocket money for the ancestors also provide a history of their little comfort in the afterlife ...
A table! A cold sweat the idea that someone could slip into my bowl one of the two legs of the chicken dish in the middle (a piece of straight choice designated for guests, if it is ...)
Whew, I escaped!
Cheers papaya salad and the traditional cake banh chung , which I use very generously!
And a little bit of snaps for the road ...
Nobody seems to have decided to return my baby love ...
... until the last goodbye ...

* As a sign of good luck, it is customary to children and seniors red envelopes containing small bills of money new known as "Lucky Money". As far as we have children (or whether you are advanced in age), it leads mostly to a pure and simple exchange of money (for example, I distributed yesterday 200,000 dong - about $ 10 - and I have "collected" so to speak, 190,000 ...). That said, as banks, to approach of Tet, are often out of stock of tickets printed out, this tradition has resulted businness where they do not hesitate to ask up to 30% commission ... This is not an old dog that learns new tricks, as they say!

Friday, February 4, 2011

How To Get Farmville Facebook News Feed

After Chuc Mung Nam Moi

Adrian and I were out for a long walk to Lake Hoan Kiem today ' hui, and believe me, this is the first time this experiment is possible with our big stroller. Not that the roads were deserted, but the sidewalks, at least, relatively unencumbered. One thing is absolutely incredible in Hanoi where the roadway is normally used to walk to everything but ... It takes you there? Go!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tender And Swollen Breasts Possible Meanings

907 - Invitation to alcohol

must drink, my friends.

One glass, two glasses, three glasses ... Do not blame you! What are these blame accountants under bounded infinity that opens the drinker? Everyone who looks up to heaven deserves to be drunk because consciousness likes to be anesthetized. The wine is the joy of the spirit, bathing the brain, the first step being to the mystery.

The sap of the vine is divine and is made for man, not beast. So without remorse drink!

must drink as a glass that is empty, it's a heart that is filled: who watches the bottom of his bowl sees nebulae. He who drowns in a jar flies to ether. Tea or milk ... Nothing but rum! And good! This is the secret access to the empyrean.

Alcohol is a good thing, provided you get drunk in aesthetes, not gross. Wine is live, it lightens the day awakens souls, thoughts caress makes soft stones. Only moralizing and dry chaste heart will tell you otherwise. Do not listen certainly not: they live a hundred years but for no reason. While the drinker lives one hundred and one years and ... a few more bottles!

The sober count the time in years that look flat and not their feet. The revelers do not count as foolishly hours of their lives: they live, sing and laugh. And if they stumble from time to time, because they walk the eyes in the stars.

Water is needed in that it quenches the body but the nectar is important because it illuminates the heads. At least the good red, small white or pink precious, it you sound a man! And it resonates in the songs subtle wind, the hymen and the firmament which when stagger, become puzzles. And banalities that surround wonders. Bacchus is when the home that accompanies man asks real questions and finally opens his eyes. The biped drunk rediscovers the world: he walks, singing, embracing the trees like rain, his wife is beautiful, speaks to the clouds, expressed surprise at the moon.

Champagne shines all the hats, water spirits gives color to the morning coffee and evening fragrant golden beer hops and forgetfulness.

Going down a bottle you climb. Without regret drink out of the barrel, the barrel ride, hang out the barrels!

Brothers verily I say unto you, that is from your cellar as you see the sky.

Blogs major Raphaël Zacharie de Izarra:
1 - Encouragement of alcohol http://1izarra.blogspot. com /
2 - Futility employment
3 - Flight of the parasite
4 - Farrah Fawcett-Izarra: Interview-truth
5 - Considerations on Christmas misanthropic
6 - Boy's Band: The Revenge of bumpkins
7 - Revenge of bumpkins (continued)
8 - Israel-Palestine, do not sacrifice our vegetables!
9 - A member of Facebook http://9izarra.blogspot. com /
10 - The male shaved
12 - Christmas Story carbon
13 - Tyrannical meaning of republican equality
14 - Beauty and grandeur of the Islamic veil http://14izarra.blogspot. com /
15 - Joharno presented by Raphaël Zacharie de Izarra
18 - I'm a fake pasha among poor
19 - Sadness of male homosexuality
20 - LOVE OF PUBLIC Sodomites Raphaël Zacharie de Izarra - Raphaël Zacharie de Izarra - Raphaël Zacharie de Izarra - Raphaël Zacharie de Izarra - Raphaël Zacharie de Izarra