Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What Is Dark Wart On Stomach

[VIDEO] 1st time skiing.

Its a bit saturated by the wind: s

Volunteer Hours Letter Sample

[3615MYLIFE] Sunburn ... Hard.

Skiing in 4 files : D No

except that edema in the face of a severe sunburn was super:)

Puymorens - March 2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sony Dvp-sr200p Make It Region Free

[3615MYLIFE] Little by little ...

New head, can not be a new life but in any case things have changed a little.

If it's been several months since you follow me you may remember that the barber was a test really hard for me. Being stuck in front of her dress behind the seat and wait to see my face is an idea that was blocking me very much.

Friday with the help of my mother, I managed to overcome that and it really freed me from a weight that helps me on all levels the coup. I take the subway without any fear, I want to go out tonight, I dragged in town yesterday .. I live:) and I bought Final Fantasy XIII for congratulating me:)

That's cool, I'm happy.
But I'm weak so I am slowly and I am not launch headlong into things difficult for me to not scare me, I go slowly ...

I also just get a big contract for my company. Finally it's big for me:) And it will allow me to live my work a few more months.

There is no downside, so good.

I convince myself and see. All is well.

Thank you very much for your support and emails I received.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Brazilian Wax Best Pain Killer

[COVER] The Wanderer - Jil is Lucky

to tears, her rotten.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Mucus Plug Miscarriage

[3615MYLIFE] pressures and risk premiums. Unboxing

I hope it will do me good to write ... I take the risk to scare you or make you sad for the most empathetic of you ... If there are visitors here. In your place, I leave the place, move along there's nothing to see.

stop I thought this blog without reason or particular decision, just not to return. I have nothing to say why I to Stand ... I'm so

tired right now. And yet I do nothing, absolutely nothing. If I play a lot ... But it is not asocial geek who plays a drug because it's not, it's just that I have anything going and I was scared to go see clients, to go canvass or able to meet people ... Then I shut myself necessarily .. And once inside, I have not much to do when I play .. Guitar, video games. A life of teen crap. In addition to giving a false image of myself that does not even entertained me more ... And every minute spent playing makes me think that I'm not working ... At almost 23 years.

few weeks ago I went through a period horrible.L agoraphobia total. Not even that, because there is a notion of crowd in the agora, myself a person could paralyze me ... I could not go buy bread, take the subway, my heart broke when the phone rang ... Anxiety. It was a period so black ... it lasted two weeks, the second was softer because I was hiding at my mother's green ... And during all that downtime, not to actually do anything ... I played, I read, I watched TV, suffering every second occupied by these distractions that gave me a sense of guilt extreme.

Was I being lied to me? Was I trying to force me to think I was wrong to take advantage and do not work ...? I know nothing and still today, because the situation has not really changed, I still wonder if I am in self destruction and where it takes me does it?

money down, down, gently. Capital bequeathed by my father serves as a sponge and cleans the blood flowing from my eyes. But the sponge is full and dirty, it begins to spread, rather than removing. I have nothing to clean it because between the legs, I have nothing to take me in hand, knocking on the table and say stop.

I'm trying very hard lately, I'm out. The bakery is a formality, the subway is easier than before, I managed to get out in a cafe - concert one evening, I invited, I began, I contacted .. But depression is always beside me. She is a black body, extremely powerful and even if she leaves me moments of respite, for sadism see me duck again when she decides, when I least expect it, she wields a scythe and lacerations. I am now infected and again ... It leaves the poison and I am trying to consume me, or sometimes not, to survive and to struggle extract for me ...

This lasts a few days or weeks ... And when things are getting better, it defaces

evil with evil.
To counteract the poison, they'll prescribe another. I absorbed more than a dozen different kinds of drugs in these last 5 years. Valium, Zoloft, Seroprane, Cymbalta ... Exotic names but have certainly changed my life forever. I'm infected. Poisoned. Say what you want, what kind of product remains in the body, and détraquent. On me it had the effect of annihilation of emotions I feel. Few things speak to me, I really wrong with being happy, to rejoice in something, to motivate me, to smile, to cry. I seem static. I need to say it may be because nobody sees me like that. When I get to go out at night, what can happen once or twice a month, I choose my best mask and absolutely nothing appears.
mask because I'm talking about when I see myself in the privacy of my home, I realize that I'm not the same as the outside ... Is it really a mask? Is it me finally?

Everything is mental. It is so con when you think. Switches, clicks, it's just that.

I'm in the dark, sitting at the same and bare soil. On the walls, I feel the tips of my fingers dozens, hundreds of switches that sucks the wall. I can not get up because a surprising strength to lean on the shoulders hold me down. So I stop and I sit down force because, I did not hurt. But I'm naked in the dark. Sometimes I fart a lead! I get up, fuck this force and I loose myself, I fight, I suffer terribly but I'm tired! So I yell, I push to get up and I managed !!... I am free, I'm happy, naked and in darkness. I have the right to operate the switches .. One, two, three, few. No luck, no light kindles and I still do not know who and where I am. The disappointment is great and this fight does not win ... Despite not having found the right one, I sit quietly on the ground. I feel so both hands, powerful, asking gently on my shoulders ... Again, it keeps me going.

Next time, I kindle four.

The walls seem so high that I can not even know how many switches ... If I do not activate that four out of five thousand, what good fight. I will fight tomorrow .. Or later ... So disappointed that I'm not in a hurry.

continued ...