Friday, April 24, 2009

Tattoo Ideas Of Baby Footprints


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Today, we will lose in the vicinity of the nose Jobourg .......

All kinds of legends run on the moors, and I've already told some ...
Lose yourself this day in pursuit of Trooper Barrens ........

It is also famous as the Demoiselle Tonneville, but much less dangerous! It is not cruel and simply gallop, on stormy nights on the moor Jobourg .......

They say he is the Lord of Auderville, Mr. La Fouèdre ...
The Lord having the worst way to attack the reputation of Mrs. Mary, wife of the Lord of Joburg, it was decided a duel to settle this insult!

the afternoon of August 15, between 1650 and 1670, while Mr. Mary went to Vespers, and that approached the cemetery, he saw his opponent, just before him, 200 meters from the church on a vacant lot between two small roads ...
The duel ensued then, not back!
Warned by friends, Lady Mary rushed out of the church, ran to her husband and collapsed with a cry of horror at his feet ....... . overcome by fear ...

Surprised, the Lord of Jobourg turned away from his enemy, lowered its custody, and his horrible rival took the opportunity to plunge his blade into her heart!
Mary's family sued the powerful Lord Auderville to make him account for this outrageous act, but the court sentenced him to simply draw a cross in the atoning ' location of the duel between the two paths ...... it was noticeable that the two swords on the carved stone are of unequal size .... which might suggest that the sword of the Lord Auderville was longer than Mr. Mary!

were also distinguished on the base carrying the cross the outline of a body overwhelmed ........

The legend begins here .... divine justice she did not stop there ... and that is why, on stormy nights, Mr. La Fouèdre is condemned forever to go Heath Jobourg ...

In 1929, John Henry, in "The Tour of The Hague" tells the story in verse .... I will let you enjoy:

"The duel of Mary and The Fouèdre

When the sheet of wood on earth faded
Announcement traveler decline of the year,
They say they seem to see Heath Jobourg
A dark knight toward daybreak.
I know this ghost, and his tragic story
is one of the ornaments of my feeble memory,
One of those old stories only from a black home,
The mother, his children, likes to recount the evening.
past two lords, divided by war,
lived there, witnessing their anger.
One, brave, generous and loyal enemy
a nice first name was Mary.
The other in his passions, burning like powder,
Had a fierce heart, and called Lightning.
A day of Our Lady, a fatal accident,
In a similar way, leading them away.
a time when a thud, solemn bells,
called the Holy Place the congregation,
being measured both with a look of disdain,
They run one on the other a sword in hand,
And, the arm extended, heart-free alarm
In sunlight they shine their weapons.
Shots followed shots, iron crossed the iron
It was like two demons escaped from hell,
Tans they cursed, as they were burning with envy,
One of the other bitter tear of life.
The Lightning moved from a hellish wrath
In blind seemed helpless bear blows
And can not hurt his clever adversary,
tossed out of spite , hatred and anger;
Of Mary, calm and cool, maintaining his force
From his rival excited burning rage,
And, aiding necessary or ruse or feint
avoided the lethal arm damage.
For some time, these noble knights
essay on their swords in their murderous
When the echo Plain and noise of their weapons
Will bring the Holy Place of sudden alarm.
Suddenly all ranks a dull rumor
Runs germinated and terror in every heart.
It is said that De Mary, pierced with an injury,
for its generous blood reddened the green
And her sweet face which sat so many charms,
is already covered all of the shadows death.
His wife, in this story, trembling and desolate
Fly instead of fighting, disheveled head
of gesture and voice, calls her husband,
And fall short stagger to its knees.
Of Mary, a hand, dropped his sword
And the other is strongly soon.
But oh, fatal battle, O mortal pain!
When the arms of the weeping woman
Wants delight to death this husband she adores.
Lightning in frantic, just hit it again,
And plunge his sword, grinning furious
In the heart of a defeated rival disarmed.


Now a cross, symbol atoning
from this dreadful package retains the memory
And two swords engraved on its sharp edges
instruct the fatal killing bystanders.
But since that moment, a ghost in the shadow
Walking at night around the dark cross.
This scary ghost is an old horseman
Who, spear in hand, rides a pale horse
In Flank black, with thick mane
Whose rippling waves roll over the heath,
A big bronze helmet surmounted by a crest,
Covers like a wall the front of the rider,
Whose white beard and the sad face
Seem accustomed to defy the storm.
But beneath his white beard and a helmet of brass
Runs sometimes a smile of disdain,
A smile with a slow and cruel irony
Identifies indescribable infinite pain.
It is said that when he crosses the foot of that cross,
He whispers words of a gloomy voice,
Words that shake the merits of cemeteries,
The dead buried in their dusty shrouds.
When the storm broke out at the bottom of the horizon,
The traveler sees the cover of a whirlwind,
Under streams of lightning, rain and storm,
Walk like a giant, raising his head.
Sometimes his voice rises and the neighing
From his pale steed mingles with the wind noise,
Then we hear voices, crying, screaming funeral
Songs and tears go into darkness,
And when everything stopped, complaints , cries and sobs,
The rider is said, disappeared in the waves .... "

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Rogers Cable Box Apartment


"I like a frog in his throat, almost creepy ...
Oh! This is not necessarily as a cold duck
But without doubt this is the simple effect the crowd
which I dread and weighs the sly glance ...
vision: the eagle eye who watches me bovine
Whose inacuité watches, as myopic mole
In my rhymes the error that would tarnish my verve
Cunning Fox, renowned nyctalopic ...
Often I have a hungry wolf and a appetite sparrow
I can be smart like a monkey, or stark naked
Mangy like a louse, and gentle as a lamb
Next rigor to tell me to do
Rimes necessary About my humble ...
Let me dream out of the human species
gently slip into the animal world
In her sensuality without worries and without hatred
lulled me away from the world over again immoral
where, ironically the man who laughs in the animal
From her own flaws makes concession
From anyone laughs when he is hairier than
The humiliating mercilessly by his comparisons ...
Man thrown away by denying him his faults
In any immunity through its multiple
More stubborn than the mule, camel, or simply
Lounger as the snake, viper's tongue
Excited like a chip, proud as a peacock
Gourmand like a cat, stupid as a goose
Like a bear licked badly, as a stinking goat
And apparently ignorant that you never stink, you?
And this confusion, the man gave and taught
As if in them, nothing but unhealthy
Nothing could be more wicked than ringworm
more fat than pork, the mood of dog ...
Forgetting that his memory sometimes fails,
is often surpassed by the elephant ...
Famous elephant to the tiny brain
which he desperately does not care though!
But "never did raven canary
And" in all nests found a cuckoo "
This is the animal world of which man is part
Although he denies it and he laugh about everything. "

I read this poem and suddenly I cried .... like he looks like me!
When I was a child and yet I learned to master my powers, the exercises that I preferred were the ones with animals .......

understand their language was a constant amazement to me ... What a stupid human argued that animals had no soul .. .. Not only do they have a soul .... but it's a beautiful soul in most cases ....

This gift, once all the humans had, but they forgot ... they were too busy killing each other, they no longer made time to cast their eyes in the eyes of the beautiful animals ....

We communicate silently It is enough to penetrate their mind .... and the magic of Mab operates so .... I know what animals feel trapped in a cage so small .... I know how the heart bleeds from that which abandons ... . I know that even if it's cold outside, the smell of freedom is worth all the gilded cage ........ I know a little tenderness can alleviate many ills ..

I know there's not much difference between our two worlds ....
My heart bleeds for my brothers so often animals ...
Mab sent by my guides, companions, brothers ... They protect me from men who are black soul .......

L Perhaps the most difficult is the change in shape ....
Become a bird ... Flying in the clear sky and clear ... See further, it is conceivable to the human mind ... Do not feel the weight of his body ... Becoming light ....

Being a panther ... Browse dense forest without a sound ... drag on the leaves, climbing trees ....

Become wolf howl and his love of life in the round white moon ....

Power surprise the secrets of men by being ... the dog so faithful companion that does to pay more attention ...

And slip quietly into the homes by an open window, through roofs and gutters .... ... Feline Cat, this is my most used form ...

I am black as night without stars .... And no human has ever dared to put his hands on my coat silky golden .... My eyes are barely open and they are afraid of Fear .... that their legends tell that I'm Afraid ... damn .... I m'incruste Fear in their lives with misery ......

Change skin is difficult ....
I only do it rarely .... but my mind remains forever imbued ...
I learned from the animals living intensely this moment ...
to listen to my deepest desires and to satisfy .....
To be silent and to be wary of all ........
Do not fear the rain or the sun ....
To respect my foster mother, the Earth .......
I learned more with my brothers watching live animals in modern humans!

They tell us we're crazy, mediaeval, inappropriate ... because we respect the old traditions ...
Whether we are Indians lost in the forests of Amazonia and sentenced soon in progress devastating Indians surviving somehow in the midst of a world dizzy, or followers of the ancient Celts or African religions We are all survivors .......

While we respect all life .... and just because we are different ... it does not recognize the right to .... life as we despise life Animal ......

In my veins flows a bright blood, that of the beast at bay, like the predator ignoring fear ....

I'm an eagle in the sky, the bee on the rose, desert fox, gorilla killed, deer hunted by the pack, the man-eating tiger, the laborious ant, the elephant going to the death as the chip invisible and invasive ......

Ellora Danaan I am ... I am the treasury of Mab ........

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Exercises To Fix Bow Legged


We have now arrived at the time of our dear Gauls!

Villages Gauls our Cotentin certainly resembled that of the adventures of Asterix and Obelix!

First, because we belong to the same region: Armorica ........ Like what we do really no reason to bicker constantly with the Britons! We're country!

More broadly, we were in that Julius Caesar called the "Hairy Gaul" or "Hirsute"!

In his mouth, it was not a compliment! It really took us for Barbarians!

Gaul was obviously a heavily wooded and wild, unless cleared and cultivated the Roman Italy ... Although .... Populous and fairly well organized. ... Finally .... For Barbarians!

And the Gauls wore breeches, pants sort of more practical to run the wood, but much less civilized than the Roman Toga!

Gallic warrior and his equipment © A. Rapin

Above all, they were .... Hairy! They wore a long wig and a thick mustache hairy!

What frighten the Romans always clean shaven!

coastal tribes Celts regrouped in Armorican confederation - which roughly means " those near the sea "- like what, we were not so wild as that!

We do not know much about the origin of the Celts. ... Did they come from Asia Minor, where they have always lived there ... .. it's still a mystery ...

Image hébergée par

The maximum expansion of the Celts happens to IV and III e th centuries BC ... Around 450 BC, Gaul was invaded again by peoples from the east and bringing new customs, one can speak here of Celts in the proper sense of the word ...

Contrary to what one might have thinking, this migration does not take a massive, Celts implanted in small groups and assimilate with the original stand, which makes it difficult to determine their exact original source!
They are attracted by the agricultural wealth and trade in Western Europe, they flee their lands overcrowded and deteriorating climate (colder and wetter ).... The classic authors speak of these terrible Celts as barbarians (fierce), mounted shirtless (to defy their enemies) and helmets on their little horses, a long sword. They spread to Belgium, Gaul, Spain and cross the English Channel (already!) ...

A dozen small tribes divides Armorica, and occupy the Cotentin Unelli!

Their capital is Cosedia, Coutances, but they also have an important port, Crociatonum, Carentan. ... Right next to my house!

Illustration from the book History of France for elementary courses in 1969

Let's see how people lived at the time ... .

The Gallic society comprises three groups:

1) The aristocratic warriors who protect the public and direct hostilities ... ... ... ..

This elite was small. At the summit, were precisely those aristocrats, knights was called ... ....

They owned large areas, many slaves and mints, and controlled as much as possible trade. They had imposed their power to many freemen, their clients ..........

These aristocrats were allied with the priests or druids ... Each other and came from the same family ... The clergy included other characters more humble and poorly known, the Bard, the Ovate ....

2) The free men, the second group, the class average, the villagers were in fact closely submitted to the nobles and reduced to the status of clients at home, confined to the dedication, at least so says Caesar ... ... ..

The Gauls, like many ancient civilizations, kept them running reports on the principle of customer .... Customers served patterns, probably originally to repay old debts, to repair some mistakes, or for other reasons of a social nature and this link was transmitted hereditarily Man .... client or the people was free (clientelism is different from the ancient slavery) but it would render services or perform tributes .... A boss could have multiple clients .... He could finally break the link that weighed on its customers or its customers to send another .... The "people " , whole families, could well be customers of a person or family and then another .....

Only the craftsmen, perhaps for religious reasons, seem to have maintained a relative independence. We needed a better life for their art!

Celtic civilization has long fascinated the aesthetes. Little is known about the Gallic language because it has left few writings. However, it is possible to perceive a seductive art, especially sculpture, coins and jewelry was ... The Armorican flirt!

Fine jewelry adorned the beautiful and elegant, such as brooches, pins that kept the garment on the shoulder ...

Hostile realism Greco-Roman artisans seeking symbolism, the face represented by lines sometimes strange ...

3) slaves (often prisoners of war) ... We know little about their lives .... but it's quite easy to imagine: hard work until death!

The villagers live in huts of wood or mud quite frustrated ... ...

In war, people took refuge in an oppidum located on a hill or on an island .... This vast walled city is a regional economic center, it includes sanctuaries, home to artisans constantly ... ..

Celtic Gaul is a prosperous country .... From an economic standpoint, as elsewhere in Gaul, was the predominant wheat or barley rather millet and ..... But we can distinguish a northern Gaul, where they drank beer and where they cooked in butter, a southern Gaul, characterized by the wine and oil ... ... ...

In the North, had been invented agricultural implements advanced for its time, a combine formed by a body mounted on wheels and equipped at the front teeth that cut the ears ... ... ....

consumption of ale and mead were driven innovation capital, the barrel ... Like what, sometimes hides the progress where we least expect!

The forest also played a large role. The wood for heating, building houses, boats and trucks, came from forests where we raised hogs on parole ...

The Gauls were roads, certainly less sophisticated than Roman roads, but still ... And they traded by sea with many people!

For livestock, besides oxen, horses played an important social role: they characterized the elite, knights, warriors ...

The Celts were mainly a nation of migrants and warriors but they were not bloodthirsty barbarians described by the Romans. At least, their religious traditions were no more barbaric than other peoples!

Well, there is indeed this custom of burning alive of prisoners locked up in a wicker cage . ... but ....'ll quickly on it!

The Gallic society is dominated by druids and warriors. But do not think that the warriors were sowing death while the Druids cut the mistletoe with golden sickles!

The Druid's mission is to learn the use of force to warriors ...

This teaching is based on introducing the death we should be able to receive without fail but also no weakness!

The religion of the Druids taught that every man has an immortal soul that passes on the death, the body of another man ... but without any recollection ... she was reborn but does not reincarnate!

So do not fear the step that marks the end of a life, nor hesitate to get ahead in the fight to arouse the admiration of the enemy and meet the gods by sacrificing his own ....

To achieve perfection in this culture of violence, the young warriors are grouped by age and cut off from the world Adult ...

They learn the techniques of hunting and the Unarmed combat ...

To accentuate the natural blond of hair, the Celtic warriors soaked in lime water ... they were as big and strong enough ..... frightening to their enemies!

Next time we'll know more precisely with the Celtic Druids and Gods ..............