Saturday, April 18, 2009

Complete Genital Exam


bonsoir.gif bonsoir image by alver1922

Some tell me that I'm hard to understand .... yes ... it is certainly true ..

I can be quite normal .... and suddenly slip into another dimension ...

In fact, it goes back very far .... and I discovered this hidden side little of my personality when I was walking in the Park's Castle Bruly ... where I grew up ...

My father was director of the Retirement Home who had its headquarters there, and our apartment was on the first floor of the castle, facing the Park, opposite the great cedar of Lebanon ...

was strange ... the rooms were large ... high ... I had lots of grandmas and grandpas ... and I took my bath in an old cast iron bathtub in the room served as a kitchen ....

In the park there was an old hunting lodge, hidden under the brambles ... as a kid, I ' I never dared to go and explore ... and unfortunately I moved before being large enough to risk it ... but I seem to remember that the lonely child I was distinguished sometimes shadows, silhouettes, in the booth ...

If you go through Vulaines-Sur-Seine, Seine-et-Marne, and the gate in the park is still open ... you try to slide down the flag, it is still there .... tell me if you ... also distinguish these wavering shadows ........

So in those aisles full of memories, we often walked, Mom and me ... and one day we were followed by a black cat ... ..

no, we were not afraid .... and so I insisted that we accepted the friendship of this cat .. ..

A beautiful damsel in fact, Bout-zan was her name, she accompanied my childhood She offered me the castle ... an unexpected gift for my birthday ... Doudou, his son, so black it ....
Alas, when we moved to Provence, they refused to follow us ... and both fled into the forest of Fontainebleau ... no doubt they left the castle .... probably their souls were too attached to these places magic ... but they helped me to overcome a difficult, they had filled my lonely heart ...


He spent some years, then my 20 years led me to Paris ... and my father took from me ... it was then that Melusine came into my life ... pretty and delicate black kitten, born Passage of the Good Seed .. .. A colleague sought to adopt a kitten, without further detail ... I went to see and of course ... it was black! Love at first sight!!

Melusine accompanied me .... 18 years she has shared everything ... a real pleasure! When I left in Provence, with my 30 years, she came with me of course ... this time I had up to 5 ... I love cats and black cats ... especially of course .. . But what is strange is that I sometimes chose cats ... but that black cats have always come to me .... unless I'm looking ...


Licorice for example, who followed me in the street, and with whom I had a passionate love story ... he was 6 months old when he got adopted, and 8 years later he was tragically died of cancer .... terrible ordeal for me ... and I still have tears in edge of the heart when I recall his memory ... It was the most beautiful angora that I saw .... and more feline, the more mysterious, more love ....


Pompon There was also a big black cat ebony, forgotten during a move and in the midst of all the houses Subdivision chose ours to complete her day !!!!!! He was adorable, purring like a diesel engine, lying on my head .... I do not know who is responsible for his death, but she is an angel that he killed ....


And Cachou was born ... a work colleague had kittens in place, including one I had chosen , angora cream ... Dad was known to be splendid ... The day I picked up Cinnamon ... ... I also brought Cachou angora black reincarnation of my Licorice ...
For a year, and I Cachou, we worshiped, he slept in my arms, head in my neck ... and it was magical .... then, the tragedy ... a drunk driver smashed my dreams, before my eyes .... can she know the hell! it is a hundred times cursed!


Cachou never know Normandy .. within a few months .... his brother, Ramses my German Shepherd who has served as their nanny, Mom and I have cried at length cinnamon ... remained traumatized by cars .... Cachou is always with us at the bottom ...
I have no black cat .... I'm waiting for the next come to me ...
I hope it will soon .... because the witch who sleeps inside me is the lack of familiar spirit ....

I love black cats! They do not misfortune more than anything else ... maybe it is their eyes, their eyes bright, so that scare people!!

Watching a black cat in the eye is to enter a mysterious world ... and risking never to return ....


I plunged into my childhood in the golden eyes of a black beauty. .. and since I swim in an ocean ... wonderful
... No black cats are not evil .... they have always brought peace, hope, joy and much love ..... ......


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