Sunday, April 19, 2009

Littlest Pet Shop Login Not Vip

And if we went to visit a charming village in the Cotentin? I take you to Tonneville ...

We are close to Cherbourg, a few kilometers pain of the sea, on a plateau planted with wild moors ...

Two streams bordering the village, north of the Lucas which once turned five flour mills ... The Bigard, Petit Pre, La Ferme des Vallees, Jestin Pontus and the Mill ....

They are only the Moulin Pontus ... but today is a residential ...

And the south west Roulland ........ which was built dam in 1958 to serve Equeurdreville .. it is no longer in service today ... and blight the landscape!

Tonneville is definitely surrounded by water since there is also the source of the Fountain St. Martin, on the moors .. .

In the early 20th century opened up there many careers in order to obtain the stones for building the Dyke Querqueville ..

To that, we brought the Britons of workers, hence the name of the Careers of the Britons, on the road to Beaumont!

The oldest remains of the village is The Suhardière ... She was named after his oldest owner, Monsignor Suhard the 12th century ... We admire a magnificent stone fireplace ...

The Church of St. Martin Roman, 12th century, and we see a stately tomb in the choir, that of Anne Letellier, wife of John of Bashan Tonneville Dame, died in 1403 .......

Besides the old rectory, now the village hall, is said to be the former mansion of Bashan .. . It shows a beautiful stone staircase and a loft ...

A short stop at the Domaine du Bigard, farm castle transformed into a boarding school and then college ....

J''ajouterai for the anecdote that it was installed in Tonneville Taxiphone the first rural public ... in 1973!

And finally if you want to hear you do not miss a visit to a planetarium where you will discover beautiful stars in a new light ...

But you suspect although if I am talking about Tonneville is a legend in this village is hiding ... that of the Lady of Tonneville!

In all likelihood, the Lady of Tonneville lived in the 13th century ... and it is the most famous Dame Blanche du Cotentin ...
Nowadays, there is a locality near the village of Tonneville called Percy ... Dried up pond, this pond once stood in the middle of the moor, and was part of a community to fully dispersed habitat: Percy - careful, not Percy near Saint Lô - home to a mansion belonging to a younger branch of the Percy family ...

White Percy was a lady of great beauty, graceful and highly intelligent .... however, like any quality defects often disproportionate rise in tandem, it was revealed in childhood also cruel and vindictive!

White wanted to be first in everything ... and none of the young nobliaux presented by his parents managed to satisfy his ambitions ... So that as his parents died within a short distance from each other and still young, she found herself living alone in her big mansion.

She sank very quickly seduced by the evil forces, and began to study black magic with talent and determination ...

One night while a violent storm shook the mansion, White noticed a portrait on the wall of the staircase was gone ... he was one of ancestors of the family of Percy, and we told the most horrible things about him!

Suddenly, he appeared very much alive, his eyes cruel, full of fire stared at it eagerly and unrolled a parchment before her begging her to read ....

She agreed to sign the pact soon diabolical ... pricked with a pin point just where the heart ... and signed the document with his blood curse ...

White found himself endowed with great strength and full of bitter hatred and violent joy ... the envy of the evil was in her ...
She had more then one thing in mind: to raise as much wealth as possible at the expense of his tenants and make them suffer ... for free ... Of course she incurred the hatred of all. .. and it only increased his joy!

One day, she claimed the Lande and extending between Tonneville Flottemanville like to be part of its properties! The court dismissed the ...

She then went into a rage and quarreled with everyone, shutting himself in his mansion alone and hate ...

the gates of death she made a vow to Satan to belong body and soul into eternity with the sole condition that he accepts it haunts Heath, whose men had denied him the possession! Satan accepted ... of course!

When the pastor and wanted the pallbearers to the cemetery after she his last breath, they failed to cross the threshold of the mansion as the body became heavy ...

Everyone thought that this religious funeral would bring peace to the too proud White Percy ... but they were wrong ...

same evening, a beautiful lady appeared at the color of fog farmer Manor Tonneville, She stopped in front of his horse and said threateningly: "I wanted you to know that now the moor mine!"

She then vanished into the dark night, like a black butterfly, while shelling a sardonic laugh never-ending ...

And since that day, no one dares night, venturing alone on the Field Tonneville ...

At the unwary who do not want to believe in legends this way, it appears, Air Sheer, near the pond or Percy Heath on, she draws him to her, encouraged him to follow her, laughing, blurred his mind .. and he was at the water's edge ... so Miss Machiavellian drowned in the murky water, laughing louder than ever, hoping to drown it !!!!!

course, serious and educated people do not believe such nonsense ... and yet ...

They say that when it dried up the pond, we discovered there many skeletons of those travelers who went missing while crossing the moors ....

and also ....

In 1949, we began construction on the site of the old ruined mansion and then they discovered an ancient coffin, without any inscription, containing human bones, in the threshold of the old press .... very precisely where the tradition we have deposited the body of Blanche Percy ...

Image: 'Top Withens' www. Flickr . com / photos/17537227 @ N00 / 2729265415

So even if the nights are less dark in modern times, and even if the pond no longer exists ... do not venture alone, the
a night in the Land between Tonneville Flottemanville ... and you never know ... the sea is not so far ... the cliffs either ... an accident happens so quickly!

http:// feeblonde . centerblog . Net / rub -images-of- witches -3.html


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