Monday, March 30, 2009

Kates Playground Foolando


So here I begin my series of articles today on the history of my Cotentin ... I hope to avoid errors ... But I'm only an amateur historian ... so, I beg you to please forgive my errors ...
I love my area, you know ... I love my city, Isigny-sur-Mer ... You may say, the Cotentin is the English Channel, Calvados not ... And I answer: if you examine carefully the map you will see qu'Isigny-sur-Mer is just across the border Cotentin -Bessin ... .... and saw that Mom is a pure Cotentine. ... we opted for this country ... But we like the Bessin too!

And then Cotentin is wild is Viking's rebel!
is the finger turned towards England to remind him that it is Norman ... .. and not the opposite!

The Peninsula Cotentin thus extends between the estuary of the Vire (this is where I live ...) and the mouth of the Ay (c. Debt country carrots ...) forming a peninsula and forms the northern department of La Manche. Sometimes simply called Cotentin , it is now often referred to, to avoid confusion, North Cotentin or country Cotentin , which excludes the city of Coutances and southern Cotentin history!

The peninsula is clearly bounded by the sea to the west, north and east, and a vast area of marsh flooded south-east (it's here!) . She So sometimes been mentioned in history as an island, because the strip of marsh cutting the northernmost part of the Cotentin the rest of the Normandy south East, which gave the peninsula to the construction of modern roads, inaccessible in winter. Hence her wild side!

The regional park of Marais du Cotentin and Bessin occupies a large part of the peninsula ... ... and I live!

The peninsula of Cotentin is divided into four "countries" Historical
In the northwest, The Hague. ...

the north-east, the valley ... Saire.

the center, the Plain Region of farmland ... ...
the south of the pass Cotentin or Bauptois , marshland and heathland ... ... ... ....

The Cotentin in its broadest definition includes two northern third of the department Channel, the southern third is composed of all of Avranches, and a small portion of the west of Calvados, the Bocage Virois ... ... ... ...

Geologically, the Cotentin is part of the Armorican ... ... ... ...

the west Coast Islands faces the islands Anglo-Norman and Chausey which it is connected by a ferry service from Carteret and Granville . The islands Chausey facing Granville are part of the Cotentin (the card is légendée en Patois Jersiais ...) ... ... ...

Le once Blanchard separates the Cape of Hague and Alderney ...

And the passage of the coastal harbors Rout and the Isle of Jersey ...
The largest city Cotentin is the port of Cherbourg on the north coast , former grand military port, it became a major port for connections to England and Ireland ...

Well, now you my Country is well !!!!!!!!!!!

Taking History ....



We have no " Lucy " Cotentine ! The land is too acidic to retain human remains ... The Earth's eat!


Early man, Homo Erectus then Sapiens , appeared in our region during the Middle Paleolithic to - 250,000 at the beginning of the preliminary -last glaciation ( Riss ), they'll leave at the height of glaciation to 180,000 ... .. The location of coastal sites shows the importance of the sea (fish, shells, flint, ...) for those men who do not live only for hunting large land mammals ... ...

The earliest Paleolithic sites in the North Cotentin are three in number:

A small deposit discovered near Cherbourg (the Saline Equeurdreville ...

Port Pignot ( Fermanville in Val de Saire ) ...
La Roche Gélétan (St. Germain-des-Vaux in the Hague ) ...

They are on fossil beaches currently located at 10 m above sea level, they date from approximately the same period (250,000) and include successive levels of occupation. We have discovered the limits of huts, fireplaces and areas of flaking stone ... ...

The Neanderthals return home to - 110 000. They will leave to - 75 000 at the beginning of the last glaciation (Würm ). You can find traces of regular crossings between Saint-Vaast -la-Hougue and Rozel . The sites are located approximately 4 m above sea level ... ... ... ... ..

The site of Saint-Germain-des-Vaux is the most important ... it extends over 1 km and comprises two levels: remains of an ancient beach located 5 m above sea level and large deposits of the last glaciation. Furniture found on this site: flint (scrapers, denticulate , strips ...), homes coals (pine and birch) ... ... ... ....

There are few places in the Mesolithic (10,000) on the West Coast: the Rozel, Flamanville (site of NPP) and above Auderville ... .
They dominated the low plain that connected while some islands Anglo-Norman (Jersey, Minquiers the Ecrehos ) to the mainland ... ... ..
On the East Coast, there Montfarville . It has been found in these pools, homes and industry products lithic (50,000 items) ... ... ... ...

Plate from the publication of Henry Menut in Volume XXV Memoirs of the Science Society of Cherbourg.

5500, few saw the Neolithic incursions pre-Celtic in Lower Normandy of Danubians Type "gracile Mediterranean" (strange name!) and from - 4500 to other peoples of the area between the Danube and the upper valley of the Rhine . They provide breeding, farming techniques, organization of Habitat, slopes and hedgerows, pottery, basketry, weaving, a religion based on ancestor worship, megaliths ...... ....

rare during the first two periods of the Neolithic remains are numerous to the late Neolithic (- 4000 / - 2000): menhirs, dolmens, covered walkways, cairns ...
Stones Pouquelées

We note that a number of collective graves were installed in direct view of the sea ( Vauville , stones pouquelées below, Fermanville , Flamanville and to a lesser extent Maupertus and Vierville ), others are far from dozens of miles ... ... ... ....

Among the
s it, we should note the site exceptional for its density, Rocheville near Bricquebec , where no fewer than four collective graves (only one was received) within a few hundred meters ... ... ... ..
The mounds are concentrated most preferably in the Hague where we can meet half an dozen unexcavated and some ignored. Some of them have been excavated in the last century or the beginning of this century. A half-dozen have been destroyed outright in a few minutes when the construction of the center of the Cogema in the 60s!
A mention must be made in the barrow Vierville near Carentan , one of the very few to have undergone a comprehensive scientific study ... ... ... ... ....
Regarding the menhirs, no alignment has been identified with certainty in the Channel even if we could talk sometimes ... ... cromlech

The real difficulty in identifying a menhir in itself makes it perilous to study their distribution. The establishment, in the fields, " scratch "vertical stones for cattle (yes, that cows can scratch my back ....) is an example of a common source of confusion. Delimitation of plots, signaling hubs or fords is were also made at all times by stones. The "currency" of Carneville or Saint-Pierre Church are fine examples to see here ...:

A Bronze Age (- 2000 / - 800) of Celtic new immigrations take place. However the channel is a remote area, more towards the sea towards the interior of Gaul, and it will be quite little celtisée at that time. Some sites exist: Nouainville , Sainte-Croix-Hague , Teurthéville - Hague , Couville , Tatihou ,.... where it was found metal objects, remnants of habitat, homes, ceramics and lithic material ...

two entrenched camps can be dated from this period: the Hague - Dike (to be reused by the Norse) and Castel Guerard ( Flamanville ) ...

We arrive at -550 and the Celtic tribe of Unelli moved into
Cotentin ... .. But This will be the subject of another article ...

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Agftermarket Backup Camera For Ridgeline


Today, I invite you to discover, if you have not yet had an opportunity, a surprising facet of a man that was more likely to qualify as a tyrant ...

Unfinished Portrait 1798 by Jacques-Louis David

This tyrant was also a great lover! He loved women and the luckiest of them have received wonderful letters and inflamed with love!

Unfinished Portrait of Pierre-Paul Prud'hon (1758-1823

I was a teenager when I discovered them ... and I found myself envying the beautiful Josephine ... He loved like a maniac. ... She was wrong ... He was divorced for reasons of state ... and then she started to love it but ........ lover husband or friend, he wrote to the last days of his life ....

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portrait painted by Robert Lefèvre (1755-1830)
http://napoleonbonaparte.files.wordpress . com /

Letter Brumaire Year IV, 6, 7 o'clock in the morning ...

"I awake full of you. Your portrait and the intoxicating memory of last night have left no rest to my senses. Sweet, incomparable Josephine, what a strange effect you made on my heart! Do you get angry? I see you sad? Are you worried? my soul is broken with grief, and there is no rest for your friend ...
But is it more so for me, when I engaged in the profound sense that I control, I draw on your lips, your heart, a flame that burns me. Ah! this is the night that I clearly saw that your picture is not you!
You go to lunch, I'll see you in 3 hours. Meanwhile, mio dolce amor , get a thousand kisses, but does not give me because they burn my blood. "


Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres. Portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte, The First Council. 1804

Letter Nice, on 10 Germinal ...

"I have not spent a day without loving you, I have not spent a night without holding you in my arms I not had a cup of tea without cursing the glory and ambition that keep me away from the soul of my life. In business, the head of the troops, traveling camps, only my adorable Josephine is in my heart, occupies my mind, absorbs my thoughts. If I walk away from you with the speed of the river Rhone, it is to see you again soon. If, in the middle of the night, I get up for work, is that it may advance a few days the arrival of my sweet friend, and yet, in your letter of 23 to 26 Ventose you calling me a you.

You yourself! Ah! bad, how could you write this letter! It is cold! And then, from 23 to 26, remain four days, what have you done since you have not written to your husband? ... Ah! My friend, what you and these four days make me regret my ancient indifference. Woe to him who is the cause! May he, for penalty and punishment, feel that the conviction and evidence (Who served as your friend) would make me feel! Hell does not torture! Neither the Furies, snakes! You! You! Ah! what will it be in a fortnight? ...

My soul is sad and my heart is slave, and my imagination scares me ... You love me less, you will be comforted. One day you will love me no more, say to me, I know at least deserve the misfortune ... Farewell, woman, torment, joy, hope and love of my life, I love, I fear that inspires me tender feelings calling me to Nature, and impetuous as volcanic thunder. I'm not asking nor eternal love, nor fidelity, but only ... truth, frankness boundless. The day you say "I love you less " will be the last of my life. If my heart was vile enough to love without return, I chop it with his teeth.

Josephine, Josephine! Remember what I told you sometimes: Nature made me strong and determined soul. Did she built lace and gauze. Have you stopped loving me? Forgiveness, love of my life, my soul is stretched over vast combinations. My heart entirely occupied by you, has concerns that make me unhappy ... I'm tired of not calling you by your name. I expect that you wrote to me. Farewell! Ah! if you love me less, you would never have loved. I would be so much to be pitied.
PS - The war this year is no longer recognizable. I did provide meat, bread, fodder, my army cavalry march soon. I mark my soldiers a confidence that is not expressed, you only saddens me, only you, the pleasure and torment of my life. A kiss to your children that you do not talk! Pardi! this would increase your letters in half. Visitors at ten o'clock in the morning would not pleased to see you. Woman! "

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Jacques-Louis David in 1800/1801 "Napoleon to attack the Alps on his horse "

Letter from Verona, Italy campaign ...

"I'm going to bed, my little Josephine, his heart full of your lovely picture, and sorry to stay so much time away from you, but I hope that in a few days I will be happier and I can give you at ease evidence the ardent love that you gave me inspiration. You do not write more, you think over your good friend, cruel woman! Do not you know that without you, without your heart without your love, there is no happiness for your husband, no life. Good God! I'd be happy if I could attend the friendly toilet, a small shoulder in a small white, elastic, very firm; above this, a little face with the handkerchief in Creole, chewable. You know I do not forget the little visits, you know, the little black forest. I give him a thousand kisses and I look forward to the time to be there. All of you, life, happiness, pleasure are what you make them.

Living in a Josephine is to live in the Élysée. Kiss to the mouth, eyes, shoulder, breast, everywhere, everywhere!

I do not love you anymore, instead, I hate you. You're a nasty, very awkward, very stupid, even Cinderella. You do not write to me at all, you do not like your husband, you know the pleasure that your letters make it, and you do not write him six lines thrown at random!

What are you doing all day, ma'am? What matter if you take away important time to write your very good lover? What stifles affection and love aside, the tender and constant love that you promised? What can be this wonderful, this new lover who absorbs all your moments, your days and tyrannize prevents you deal with your husband? Josephine, take heed, a beautiful night, doors broken, and here I am.

In truth, I am concerned, my good friend, not to hear from you, write me soon four pages, and those kind of things that fill my heart with sense and pleasure.

I hope before long I will hold you in my arms, and will cover you a million kisses, burning as the equator. "


Here is a man who could put aside his pride in his love letters ........ Poor Napoleon, Josephine poor, their beautiful love has failed, within a few years, they would have adored it ........ But all too often .... and Loving all with the same intensity, in tune ... .. it's a miracle ........