Friday, March 13, 2009

I Love Money 2 Sapphire


I had little more than 12 years when I received the first visit Mab ...
Until then, I lived like any other girl ... except that I had a strange grandmother, who dressed in long robes white, and lived in a lonely house on the moors of Ireland, near Lough Corrib ............

That summer, I was allowed to attend a strange ... There were women, all white, and they danced around a fire in the center of a joyous circle of standing stones ... For the girl I was, it was like being part of a fairy tale ....

I had installed cons a beautiful stone engraved with mysterious signs ... My grandmother told me to stay very still and silent there at the foot of the Sacred Stone of Mab ..........

I do not know exactly when I fell asleep ... . Suddenly, a white horse appeared to me .... He stopped in front of me .... And I knew I had to climb on his back .....

He took me to a palace of glass in the center of the lake, beneath the waters of the lake, and yet I felt as though if I were in the middle a field of flowers .......

There was a woman sitting on her throne who was beckoning to me, a bright and beautiful woman ... I do not know how, I found myself sitting at his feet, my head resting on his knees, his hands stroking my hair ...
When she spoke, her voice filled me so intensely that she never left my mind ...

"I Mab ...... Goddess Mother of the Men of the Big Island, I guided them past the fighting, sometimes with sword in hand, sometimes like a proud steed ... . My only vision maddened enemies forever ... And I gave the drink to the winner ...

I was the Queen of Connaught ... I have had husbands and lovers ....... I was free ... I chose the man I thought worthy to be king with his queen ...... I sometimes made mistakes ..... 5 Kings sat beside me on the throne of Cruachan, also known by Tara Men .......

Conchobar Mac Nessa
first shared with me the sacred mead .......

Then came Tinde and also Eochaid Dala ...

Then Ailill got my favors for many years .....

The last was Fergus Mac Roth ....

I did not always treated well .... It were not always honest either .... so is it the hearts of men ....... and loves of goddesses ....

When Men at the Cross arrived, they made the silence of our sacred names .... They spread false Defamatory stories about goddesses ... They said I was long dead, killed by my own nephew, Forbes ..... They described me bloody, ugly, ridiculous .......

Their great writer Shakespeare, I described a little girl "no bigger than an agate stone kitten in a ring »...... Such a butterfly, I'm the "crazy and fantastic little sovereign Fairy dancing in the grass without bending the rods ».... .... Jolie but so far from my real power ........ Sometimes nice, sometimes bad .... Fairy or Witch ...

The poet William Butler Keats is closer to my truth, I am described as "the best you've ever seen, she had a sword and brandished daggers. She was dressed in white and had the arms and feet bare. She looked very strong, fierce, but not bad. She was very thin, broad shoulders and seemed to have less than 30 years ... »......... Probably a dream he crossed his sleep, inspired by one of my faithful daughters .........

But I'll tell you what I am ....
I am a proud mare, who always wanted to be free ....
I am master of wind and storm clouds wild ... is my punishment ....
I am the voice of the lion doe and wild .......
I am the whole world .....
I am all the time, all men .....
I am also the Shadows of the Night ..
I'm everything I want to be .........

And I'll make a donation, Ellora Danaan .......
You'll be the one which in today's world, will all my power in the heart ........ And sometimes you wish it did not have ....
You will be the Treasury ....... Mab "

As she spoke these words, I was drawn into a vortex, I traveled to the stars, I traveled to distant worlds, I lived centuries of adventures, I got the eagle and the wolf I saw the other world and my ancestors, I even saw my parents give me Mab ....

I traveled the plains with him ....... and I learned everything in an instant .......
So I opened my eyes ... white women formed a circle around me .... my Grandmother raised the slick my hair black ....
There, hidden in the hollow of the neck, a rearing horse with fiery eyes seemed ready to spring .... So my grandmother exclaimed: "Mab is coming! "

They have bowed to me .... Now they bow down before me always .... Up to my last breath ..........
Now I know who I am ....
Elora Dannan I am and I am the treasury of Mab .....


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