Saturday, March 21, 2009

Can Cruises Be Put On Layayway?


You know all the Werewolves!

But did you know that among us, in Normandy, we had Varous?

In the Middle Ages, there were many scare stories that ran the campaign about Varous, demonic beings, half wolf, half men ...

In fact Varou legend comes from the Normans invading the North Men ... There, in their icy Scandinavia, we talked about evil spirits that can turn men into dogs or wolves ...

It there were several demonstrations Varou ...
Before the French Revolution, when a crime was committed and that no one could be designated as guilty, we indulged in a bizarre ceremony, which allowed, to what is said, of designate guilty!

During the church service on Sunday, the priest delivered a sermon called a "monitory" ...
He addressed his faithful gathered there and threatened to excommunicate the guilty of the crime and also those who protected him by keeping quiet!
Monitory The statement was 3 weeks now! If no one complained, the priest pronounced a terrible sentence:
During 7 years at a fixed date in the dark, the guilty should be of animal skin, wolf, but also of a goat, called "hate" or "brawn" and thus transform into an animal ...

Driven by an infernal rage, so he had to run without stopping in front of him, traversing forests, fields, marshes ... injuring themselves in brambles and brush, and receiving a boost at every intersection!

It is said that even Satan himself rode the Varou and hit him so ... One morning, the man resumed its usual form but retained traces of his terrible night, wounding ... All could identify the culprit then! It became "one who bears the Varou »....

To deliver the Varou before the end of punishment, we had to jump on shed her blood just between her eyes! But beware of failure! The sentence was then extended for 7 more years!

But there was another form of Varou, that of the damned in Hell .... The prisoners sometimes succeeded in leaving their graves ... but only because to atone for their misdeeds, they were doomed to become Varou ... Then feeling the call of their terrible fate, they tore their shroud, and lamentations were heard in you make the hair on the head ....
managed to lift the earth, then Varou out of his grave, pursued by the flames of Hell!

That is why the country priests formerly guarded the cemetery, at night, watching the slightest lament, or lifting spark earth ... Faced with a suspected Varou, the priest and sacristan, armed with a new spade, then dug up the deceased cursed and cut off his head ... They were then thrown into a deep river where she would know the eternal torments of hell ...

But there is a category of Varou, who has signed a pact with the Devil! Privilege? Choose an animal in which he incarnated the night! Impossible because Varou for whatever, to dispense with the need to spend some nights running madly ... You can try to stop him ... but we rarely achieved ... the Varou is ready to All to fulfill his destiny ...

It is also said that wizards have the power that they want to transform into Varou .. Thus, there is a Varou the "Rodent bone," which haunted the streets of Bayeux ...

relieve Varou How "voluntary"? Very dangerous! Pronounce his real name while he is in his animal form, is to extend his contract for 7 years ...

And to kill him? Possible ... with bullets blessed ... and respecting absolute secrecy! Immediately the animal killed, the man reappears ... only trace of its transformation, members sometimes overly long ...

So if by chance, a clear night, you see a strange animal .... and threatening to run away and climb the first tree come ... unless of course, that Varou is a cat in this case .... .... pray ....


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