Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Glycerin Based Sorbitol Based Soap


In northern Cotentin is a beautiful and mysterious valley, the Valley Hubilan ... From the Sea and Lande wild ....

past winter, during the evenings by the fireside, the Grandmothers of our Grandmothers told strange stories which were involved in the many Fairies their beautiful country ....


was a time when people spoke of them often, as we know ... the more we talk ... the more they show ...

In fact, we never saw them rarely ... but you could hear their beautiful songs and also their voices whispering in the night secret conversations that made them laugh ....

The moonlit nights, if we were silent and if one dared to venture, you could see the beautiful Washerwomen Faerie delicate wash their clothes in the stream flowing in the hollow of Hubilan ....

Fairies Norman .... They are workers knocking on the doors of the farms at night and cry, demanding tools to work in the fields ...

He should be careful not to deny .... Besides, do we refuse to obey the Fairies? No, it was too scared to see them become then witch!

They then took the cart and horses in the stable , and went plowing ...

As our Fairies were small, they climbed on the neck of Percherons and knotted their hair to make them his stirrups ...
The next day the farmer found his horse's mane all tangled, but the equipment tidy and fields ready for sowing!

The Fairies At that time, had well-established reputation of being extremely careful!


And also for blue-strings! They made mainly of fairy cakes ... And the humans who had never tasted confessed eaten anything better!

This happiness came without warning ... a beautiful day, while peasants gleaning flax, which is an essential activity in the valley, they heard a clear voice shouting: "Four is the hot ... »....

All rushed at the time but saw nothing ... and yet, at lunch, a delicious smell was tickling their nostrils ... They followed the scent ... and a beautiful white tablecloth, discovered a beautiful loaf brioche very white, a pot of fresh butter and a knife ... What makes perk before resuming work ....


It also said that the fairies watching over the children in the cradle ... and that sometimes If the mother forgot to sign his male child before leaving for work, the fairies took it and replaced it with one of their own children ...

Fairies raised the little man with love, and later they in turn became the father of children Fairies ...

As for the "fĂȘtet" the Humans recognized because he ate a lot but not growing much ... But it would not do their had the idea to complain to raise a little fairy .... It was a Lucky Charms Fairies ... always watching over him and his family home ......


The Fairies were good ... it was just to avoid upsetting them ... do not deny them what they asked .. and everything was fine ...

And then, Fairies hated those who do not respect Mother Nature ...

At the foot of a cliff at the far end of the valley, was the Fountain of the 3 fairies ...

One day a boy went shamelessly throw garbage ... Fairies found their beautiful clear water any unclean ...

All three fairies struck the water with his stick saying a vow:

The first wished it to become stuttered and could not articulate a word ...

The second step that would open his mouth and swallows fly pass ...

The third insisted that he could no longer take a step without his hindquarters could fire a gun ...

course, wishes came true once the wicked ... including boy while he was bewitched, hurry to go clean the fountain! And ask forgiveness from the Fairy ...

Oh, they forgave him ... the fairies are not vindictive ... they say it took a some time to run ....... Fairies are just very mischievous !!!!!!!!!!

Especially Fairies Norman ......



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