Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Broken Capillaries On Belly


A great lady who is afraid of rain,
And that illuminates throughout the city at night ...
a moving river that runs through Paradise,
And by ten bridges, bored in paris ...
wonderful gardens, lunch at noon,
mysterious And hours for successful evenings ...
madness and misery, happiness and hell,
In Paris you can play, laugh, vibrate the henhouse in the pit ...
Paris, the Eiffel Tower, the Seine and then again
Notre Dame, Sacred Heart, the Goutte d'Or,
Montmartre, the Champs-Elysees and Defense
The whole world knows Paris is France!
Slightly joy and loneliness, but always
A mysterious force that on some days
Pushes Parisians to revolt, to Freedom:
1789, 1848, 1870, 1944, bearing dates of pride ...

Paris, History, intense past, future

unspeakable ...
People who are, without looking around them,
People who love each other, without one cares ....
Paris, I love you and I will never stop
screaming my happiness before the Grand Palais,
Or the good genius of the Bastille ...
But I do not forget the smell vanilla
Who comes neighborhoods mixed race, your stomach ...
Paris, my village ... and the memories that anchor me ....

************************************** ******


Her eyes are green like yours,
He has confidence in you as his fate,
Her black hair swaying under my fingers,
And his dimples are growing laughs when ...
It looks like you and he loves me like you ...
He plays for war but will not make it,
His heart is tender but he knows what he wants ...
He loves all living beings
And he respects life above all ...
It will be big and strong like his father,
He will have the science of words as her mother,
It include naked, and naked will

A live and age, to see him pass the time ...

It in his heart all the tunes in your country,
And also in his memory the songs of my country ....
He generosity and pride of the pioneers,
But it also has the arrogance of the old world ...
Its sole mistress freedom
And for future solidarity ...
He represents everything our past
And above all our future life ...
His eyes speak of my heart for you,
He has the voice of joy to sing with me ...
It is beautiful, it is our love,
This child we will never have ....


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