Friday, March 20, 2009

Makers Mark Crossed Swords With C E D

THE ONE BORN March 20 ...

Yesterday, sunny first day of Spring and the anniversary of my favorite Norman, my Mom was a perfect day ... ....

After distribution of small surprises, breakfast brioche with rhubarb jam house, and the indispensable walk Ramses the Lord, our dedicated old Berger, I embarked on the preparation of lunch ...

Nothing complicated actually ...
only things she loves ....
Smoked Salmon ...
Rabbit Cotentine: fried shallots, rabbit gigolette well impregnated with mustard, apple into small squares and topped with cider .... you add cream, generously, just at the end of cooking ....

course, my famous carrot sands cider ...
And a lovely raspberry tart to finish ....
All washed down with a little rosé de Provence ...
Maybe eclectic stuff, but it is to treat an old lady ... 89 years!

And besides, everything was very successful! A miracle!
After lunch we went for a walk here, beside the sea ... at Fontenay-Géfosse .....


Oh, this is not the most outstanding track, but it's fun, wild, isolated ... it feels alone in the world


There are mostly fishermen whelks, Coquille St. Jacques, mussels and ,.... the oyster ....
Many small birds Marine pecking in the sand at low tide .......


In addition, one can admire beautiful farms ...

Hermerel of Le Manoir, with its dovecote and its 15th century chapel is really beautiful ...

And Manor River is equally charming, with its curious raccoons ....

And then there's church Géfosse, which is unfortunately locked ....

But the old cemetery which holds some beautiful old stone ........


Well, this was not an eventful day, but c She was a beautiful day, full of love .... and is this not the point ...

Aging Well, if health is not really missing, it's not that difficult ... not to be alone ... to make some work to feel useful again be free .... .... and above all ... to be loved!

She was always there for her family ..... so ..... we will always be there for her ....

And we wish him to live much longer .... 100 years ... it would make a beautiful holiday in the village! The oldest is 100 years old!
A dream ... not so distant that it ......


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