Thursday, December 30, 2010

Best Cheap Fingerboards

Little Miss Sunshine ... o Việt Nam

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

South Park English Subtitles Watch

Fun compare images of a wall of chapel with optical effects

Some will see a bust, or even a whole person sitting (photo enclosed).

Beware of interpretations idle, fanciful, hazardous ... This "face" that appears is a coincidence due to cracks and seepage on the wall.

(Click on images to view full size)

As for "orbs" on next two photos (hence the picture is taken of the "face"), these are only particles swollen by the flash and then magnified by a purely optical phenomenon.

Nevertheless I think it was interesting to publish these photos.

Raphaël Zacharie de Izarra

Monday, December 27, 2010

How To Masterbate With Legos

Volare, oh oh ...

© Casa Pagoda
Who's going to fly for the first time in a few hours? The fact of not having a passport
not seem to be an obstacle to board a domestic flight from our Hadrian's small, two months today. Or so we said so far Vietnam Airlines
(check it said at the time of check-in, while crossing his fingers from beneath the counter!) .
You'll understand: we're still not out of our
administrative procedures for the legalization of our son . However, having obtained birth certificate adorned with her beautiful red Stempfel
, hopefully at least be able to reverse
the order of priorities in granting us the first award ...

withdrawn without the head all the secrets of tasty food!
Cape Quy Nhon and thus on its sandy beaches. I longed to see my man this little corner of paradise discovered last May with Alex and Isabel. And this time, no way to leave the Life Wellness Resort
Well, the bags are not quite curly (it's crazy logistics it requires starting a family!)
, I leave you in the company Alexander, I just found this picture on his debut aircraft. Transbahuté several times from one continent to another, it will be earlier in his 51st flight ...

a little sleep as close to angels, between Rome and Buenos Aires

you soon!

Ugg Fluff Mommas Sale

899 - Considerations on Christmas misanthropic

Some do not like rats, spiders and worms.

I do not like dogs (their smell and manners disgust me, I can not stand their barking and fear their fangs) children (not all but generally because few of them are gifted) and senile old people (old falling in childhood embody the forfeiture of the end of life).

In short I am allergic to the sight of being weak, stupid, handicapped, impaired.

I prefer to see humans in good health, intelligent, educated, skilled, talented, happy, joyful, radiant, glorious.

Is it illegal to have such preferences?

I love seeing kids happy ... receive nothing at Christmas. Izarra in these models are unfortunately quite rare.

I prefer to see children happy at the idea of making belt at Christmas, so bright children. If teachers and parents were pretty brave to their offspring they would explain to them that the real gifts are not all this nonsense material which they Gave at Christmas and even every day of the year but the intelligence, the wealth of mind. A child smart enough to understand that he must be happy receive nothing at Christmas is infinitely more pleasant to me one of these little cretins ignorant rotten with gifts that will sell the next day on EBAY! (Because in addition they have computers in their room with access to INTERNET, which in itself is a gift every day is worth all the Christmas of their lives!)

It's Christmas every day in our affluent society but how it really make account? Children should marvel every day of the year not only of all the beautiful things they enjoy, but also the heavens, nature and the stars instead of waiting for Christmas Day begin to open their eyes to the nonsense that they offer!

The kids today are rude as the parents of stuffed game-boy games stupid networks, mobile phones and programs brainless debited by the bouquets of channels they are dunces illiterate who can not even appreciate the essential joys of life. Schoolrumble "yaourtisés" excessive, they are future adults sickly (they have no antibodies from living under roofs hot) who will claim their Fifty years before retirement dupontesque!

Many of them do not even know what a cow, a flurry of March or a frog, they are wrapped up in their cages rabbit anti-educational! They think that fish are square and that piercings are essential accessories to them its due.

Generation "limacière" ignorant of jaded by the screens, fast food everyday and Christmas because Christmas is with them every day of the year but just like their parents they are idiots not even realize it.
children brought to the Iphone, rebels and rebellious, alcoholic 11-year deflowered at 13, can no longer marvel at the simple things in nature, yet infinitely more dense than their technologies small uneducated fools.

That said I do not really hate children: I resent that children quiet, intellectually gifted, well educated and socially advantaged. If they have inherited the particle is even better.

As the offspring of Smith, it disturbs me greatly.

I'm actually allergic to stupidity child and parent, this is no provocation on my part to say this but the simple and banal truth.

See how beautiful the world can have the will to fight against its ugliness.

is exactly what I'm here, I do not focus on the ugliness of the world, quite the contrary: it is her beauty that interests me, hence my preference for being successful, experienced, wise, intelligent. Just knowing the pose gaze in wonder at the beauty of things and not to linger their ugliness is enough to beautify the world, although it also does not necessarily active approach to redress the ugly.

I do not worship stupid and politically correct child so dear to our society demagogue, even if I consider an authentic Peter Pan otherwise, which may seem paradoxical. Childhood is a paradise where there is but when one is an adult-child at least one other- is considered a disability, a state of dependency, of weakness and ignorance. I did an internship in a retirement home for bed-ridden in 1991: I think the same thing regarding old age senile. I pitied the old ending their lives in misery and certain mental and physical m'insupportaient in their dotage, their bedding staining with excrement.

I see nothing glorious to wipe the old. I find it degrading and moved to be proud of this charitable act because the alleged false elevation of mind of the caregiver is priced at the misery of these old. True love would it not make the sacrifice of his own humility to serve a cause happy?

See my biographical text No. 781 on this "The Barn of the Dead" :

Unlike Mother Teresa, who seemed to revel in the rancid odor of old age destitute of Calcutta, I prefer the scents of the old noble radiant. While it relieved the misery and it's very commendable, but it did not really merit because it was precisely its purpose. She could not do anything Christian in his life.

This is not my role: Izarra is not Mother Theresa.

Everyone must be in place and do his work and mine is not in Calcutta but here in the demystification of Christmas gifts that I call "idiotic morons already small stuffed full year."

I hate Santa Claus, Yankee slag typically advertising for Coca-Cola!

Remember that Santa is an invention marketing years 1940 to sell Coca-Cola. It gives me image of decadence placing on the throne of a false tradition that is neither ours nor legitimate for its creators (U.S. publicists) who misled the Christmas message into a marketing coup Long duration.

Nothing to do with the real Christmas!

The Santas who hang around the shopping areas where they are paid by the hour does not make me dream.

They are even kill ultimate dream.

Everything is recovering commercial, children are decidedly too stupid not to see it! While they dream, adults manipulative, cynical, rub their hands and parents, brutalized in the last stage, open their wallets without counting.

Children kings = slave parents.

When I was little I naively thought that the showmen were happy to get me up on their rides. Adult, I realized that they did nothing to make children happy. They care only that their money will bring smiles hypocrites (when the show because most of the time the showmen have a wealth villainous and length of time to show their displeasure).

What sense is there when Christmas is Christmas every day?

To me a real Christmas that makes me really is a dream Christmas bare in the winter cold, a pious Christmas in touch with the harsh elements, a monastic Christmas where only the main peak of the tired souls material abundance that stifles the spirit.

Read my Christmas stories, revealing my thought: they all deal with the renunciation of fireworks for a return to basics.

The drivel about the pagan Christmas, since the log sweeteners to gifts obscene (video games and martial Iphones) or cutesy flashing at the bottom of the tree (which sometimes, horror of horrors, ; is plastic) bore me to death, do not make me dream at all. I find this all very trivial, vulgar, heavy, indigestible and ultimately empty.

I prefer to walk alone at night in the snow away from the screen, the background noise and all the artifices of modern life, something I do in fact every time he snow.

To be honest I must say that I like watches and Christmas nights for the reason that public space is pleasantly depopulated any commoner, she is too busy to celebrate in front of the television. It is delightful to walk in the countryside in the cold of the night while the rest of the world leaves me in peace. That said, I still find it unfortunate that these people are deprived of this joy and pure manly consists in giving up their Christmas drivel. Christmas for any layman in the world I would not trade my beautiful night walks against an evening of television in a hot room dripping with garlands and gift foils.

Finally, move a red rag to a bull or flatter with bundles of hay are the best ways to channel its energy to our benefit. We apply the same method to humans except that the words sometimes act like goads, and sometimes as hugs. Politicians know how to use the perfection of this trick as old as the world.

The goals are quite diverse, but here it is to experience the characters, the intelligence measure.

izarrien The overbid is an excellent test for my interlocutors.

There are those who respond with humor to my red rags, others by rhetoric, some by injury.

It is always very interesting to watch all these reactions.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Can I Use Augmentin With Nyquil

AFP article for Abet MOB

I just read two articles on the NET from AFP entitled "20 km from Paris, saw a village cut off from the world" and "Christmas Shopping: The Snow complicates all last week. "

Two articles in a vain and incredibly revealing fool in the spirit that surrounds the population in general.

Or the art of keeping the crowds in a state of constant brutality in their distilling season requires, snow all the sauces ...

The insignificance of the information is up to the ineptitude of the broadcast journalists and the stupidity of the calves receive.
Raphaël Zacharie de Izarra

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Day 1 Chicken Pox Images

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells ... The Milky Way

Since the time difference works in our favor,
efore the turkey does not land on your plate,
I will try to upload a short slide show summarizing our past 24hrs . Needless to say we're already in the digestive phase (and it's very difficult to resist the call of the nap ...).

Friday, December 24, 2010

Where Can I Get My Immunization Records Ontario


Title read a newspaper on the NET:

"The Eve ruined by the snow?"

The title alone is enough to measure the degree of ineptitude of my contemporaries.

Or the journalist who has so intelligently written ...

is exactly the same level of bullshit that "March showers marred by" or, "ruined the night by the stars."

And then ... Even the National Dupont tuck would be "wasted" ... Who can have the heart rather limited, the soul close enough, the brain softened enough to sympathize with the plight of small shabby?

Without further comment.

Raphaël Zacharie de Izarra

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Opening Words Of Wedding

Without getting into details that probably not much to interest everyone here - I leave the vicissitudes on different facets of motherhood hilarious
Damn - I'm facing these days with a slight slowdown, breast side. For fear of stalling any advantage, I quickly steered my little investigation about the folk remedies being in Vietnam. And the verdict could not have been more unanimous with my friends: it's pig's foot that would best support

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Remote Starter For 2003 Sante Fe

Christmas when you hold us

J-5, already, before the festivities begin!
Alexander has so quickly embraced the concept of the advent calendar that I already fear the big crisis, when it will discover that this ritual does have a purpose ...

As for Hadrian and I, by dint of walking the pavement downtown, we succumbed to buying one of these vulgar synthetic fir made in china to the delight of merchants these days.

no question, however, to impose its paraphernalia kitchissime garlands. This Christmas will or will not be sober! The patchwork of small Vietnamese Mekong-
completed convince us.

Not far from us, hats off - that's the case to say - against the "tree "from the InterContinental Hotel, which he has played the card outright originality!

Although we were not yet fully developed as to the explanations given to Alexander the about the sudden appearance of flesh and bones of the man bearded, the reception has been nothing less warm.

Chipping gift packages in 30 Seconds ...

... roughly the time that the undersigned had to swallow a slice of this chocolate log!

Not so calories than that, basically, in comparison to what awaited us that evening at a reception organized by our Ambassador. Instead of large piles of Ferrero Rocher (has-been, perhaps??) , beautiful half-wheels of raclette!

Say "cheeeeese" Kids!

Prepare Liver For Night Of Drinking

898 - Revenge of bumpkins (continued)

Given the reaction mocking generated by the famous boy band Russian to dress codes and aesthetic totally out of line with what some call the "standard decent "-and that I would call somewhat artificial Western decadence even mercantilo-globalist- I return to the topic to add some additional truths.

These numerous parodies of the Russian group around the western world -up in South America- are indicative of the corrupt mentality of these young people well formatted by gurus who gorge themselves because Facebookien their values adulterated.

All these I feel sorry for mocking their mockery sign their degeneration.

They believe themselves better off with their references stinking Hollywood Vice cultural aesthetic and falsehood, are luckier with their rap, rock and tectonic brainless , pierced lips, think themselves more intelligent, better educated with their empty skull became miserable container Coca-Cola, are persuaded to be more creative, to enjoy a more sophisticated musical sensibility with their sonic disturbances unhealthy ...

These clones -interchangeable from one continent to another, consumers Nullity, followers of the same endless nonsense and heresies provided by merchants soup dictating their laws are in my eyes truly indigent.

Having lost all innocence artistic, they love deviance music and its perversities they take to the refinement of the avant-garde, rebellion!

Perfectly meaningless criticism, brainwashed by their radio waves brainless morons, adopting the manners and insane products derived from their taste for music flawed, these puppets eager to consume drivel let themselves be fooled by the sirens mercantilo -dress that will make them monkeys all the same, to the great satisfaction of their mentors hold the heavy artillery such EMI, FNAC, M6, NRJ, FACEBOOK, APPLE, MICROSOFT, MSN, ORANGE , etc..

The superfluous accessory, the frivolous, sham are their true values.

Iphonisés, imbécillisés, mac-donalisés, homosexualisation, leftish (but wrong) these plugged-tatooed-plucked victims of the crisis- the real crisis, that is the moral crisis - only have to ridicule the Russian singers stayed sane, true to their appearance, without vanity, their mouths authentic, angular and blunt, not pomaded with their rural Russian mentality remained intact, although in away from cultural miasma Westerners who are the pride of our asses-cultured.

Miserables parody mocking the young Russian!

They, mockingbirds, which are really to be pitied them as cannon fodder nightclubs and music labels that brutalize the disc after disc, year after year, generation after generation.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Is 6.4 To High For Blood Sugar

897 - Boy's Band: The Revenge of bumpkins

They are cheesy, not beautiful, badly dressed, partially edentulous, have frankly provincial manners and are the laughingstock of the Western NET.

short, these are real rednecks.

And the best part is that this is absolutely not the second level!

They parody in all countries. The whole world is laughing at their mouths (they did not fashionable).

is a Russian boy band, or more exactly, Russia deep : The StekloVata .

Their success outside their borders is due to the hilarious gap between their standards and ours bumpkins.

Still ...

is precisely because they embody the exact opposite of what makes superficiality and ineptitude and the decadence of our codes trendy, that I find touching.

But above all very healthy.

In fact, they do not sing tales of sex, money, love, sordid, drugs or violence. These are not posers of the degenerate mentality. They, with their coarse sweater, we just want ... a good year! (NOVI GOD)

profound influence on Russia ...

In their big muddy shoes well, these boys with musical values totally alien to our Western hyper sexed, impregnated with unhealthy ideas and permanent state of over-dose we wish a good year, innocent in their rustic simplicity , protected from the poison of our vice sophisticated.

So look not only with a lenient eye the boy band of bumpkins but also with a certain purity, even if their appearance is a natural smile.

I prefer a thousand times as a boy's band of rustics remained healthy, authentic one of these musical products Marketts,-cultured and "rappéisés" below the suspects.
SEE THE VIDEO - Revenge of bumpkins:

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Fotos De Cancer De Prostata


It will still seem very unfair, inappropriate and downright out of order on my part but some names have a strong power of irritation to me and shows me I immediately dislike their carriers ...

This is regardless of the actual or perceived quality of the unfortunate elected and baptized by their parents .... idiots

These names which I'm particularly allergic to? It's simple, they just evoke Phoenix home, the heroes of American series, feel the sofa in front of the flat screen, have a foul stench of middle class 90s, are burdened with earrings and piercings stupid ... Strident as ringtones iphone, they make me in a bad mood:

Quentin, Jordan, Dylan, Jordy, Kevin ...

These names are unacceptable to the ears stink really well educated classes Commons flabby in their ignoble sofas LEATHER CENTER, I mean those famous assholes how steeped in television culture, just above Dupont, say between Duchesne and Duchnoque.

No this is not really charitable to me, but is it worthy of charitable and from French parents call their offspring Kevin Jordan, Jennifer or Jessica?

With names like they deprive them of any possibility of upward aristocratic!

Miserables parents ... Poor kids piercings ...

Raphaël Zacharie de Izarra

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Dark And Smelly Urine

896 - Cripple in the world, superior izarrienne

I suspect that what I describe here will still be perceived as abusive, arrogant, conceited unbearably in the eyes of some critics who are tired of demonstrations peremptory plume izarrien ....

Nevertheless I am increasingly aware of the socio-cultural stupidity -or-congenital of most of my fellow human beings struggling with the realities of this world stupid lunatic that they forged themselves. Given their behavior perfectly childish, insignificant, tragically inept, comically stupid, I say unabashedly be highly intelligent, lucid and gloriously finally freed from the fetters of this century. Compared to the herd of grazing molluscs brain truths soothing, I'm a star burner of short grass, a sun "dryer" snail slime, a redeemer Lord of ordinary stupidity: which is the worst since the banal stupidity, accepted, shared, maintained, always goes unnoticed.

A very simple illustration of the high ambient stupidity of this world, so everyday that few people are able to perceive: the ratio of the average man in his vehicle. Consciously, I did not take a dramatic example it would be too easy to denounce the exception-but universal, close, immediately identifiable.

Flagrante misery of the spirit of the possessor of grieving for a car bump or a scratch on his body! Profound weakness of the soul of that driver who goes to a car wash to clean them what he sees as the ultimate sign of respectability ... Or even more primary, more raw, more distressing, as the symbol of his ostensible phallus (which he generally very short).

inalienable and sovereign freedom of individuals to act according to their whims, my retort is ... Or spend their money as they wish, to their dignity in appearance, the diversity of their property, to cherish their cars as female. Certainly. Except that this insane behavior is more pure alienation causes commercial, advertising, media and therefore more of the nonsense that regrettably true freedom.

other words this way to act and feel is determined by a common packing from the bottom of the weak-minded, cowardly, or lazy and not by this alleged individual freedom sacred to the excesses by those same people who believe to have any enjoyment, are pitifully deprived!

To be truly free one must be a gentleman and not a serf, a warrior and not a victim, an actor and not a pawn is one who thinks that hovers above the vanities and stupidities of the world.

The man is a genius capable of the best jerk to prove the worst. It builds cars, computers, rockets and yet this does not prevent it from being a pathetic moron: an engineer sometimes adopt the same behavior as a socially disadvantaged illiterate when he will wash his car or make a slight right depression of his body ...

Such instances of disability, invalidity, indigence on the part of my contemporaries, I could to provide satiety. Few enlightened minds than mine also perceive these things with such acuity. Many humans are not products of their thought but the thought of the fireworks dealers: advertising, industrial, political manipulators, opinion makers and media even more insidious, gurus of Hollywood hegemony.

Thus men are clones in their own narrow-minded mimicry systematically oriented behavioral poverty: all susceptible to the same causes touted and sold (usually at high prices) by their screens, all "Fans" of football fans all the same food or cultural foul (because in this context of social culture is dumbing obviously become a commodity, like sexual pleasure or spirituality which we did a trade), ugliness of the same standards as imposed by the system where the smooth coat and tie is complacency. The likeness of beings -concept created by the industrial era seems there-, their equality in mediocrity, standardization of all possible plans can act on them with maximum efficiency and minimum effort. The crowds have been educated in the same tastes at a discount, with the same needs for redundant, it is more convenient to continue to dictate their values properly calibrated to consume from a single source such as movies, television, press. Or even more clever, through the "spirit Coca-Cola" ie without tangible support, which makes handling more undetectable: this is called the cult of youth, the swagger, the superficial, the trivial. Higher forms of vulgarity and inanity.

Facebook is a champion for it.

These disabilities are not thinking of wicked men so far, no it is not the issue: the vast majority are very nice, honest, have a real good background and be of good will and aspirations of the common good.

These humans heretical in light izarrienne are not pigs, no.

These are just asses.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Can You Trade Pokemon From Emulator To Ds

895 - regarding "souhaitages" birthday

Today is my birthday, so I have to fashion all SPAM messages sent to me automatically from social networks and other places of the canvas more point where I'm registered.

courtesy I do not say usually not what I really think those who have kindly (if not the reflex sterile) to wish me a happy birthday but ultimately I think people are smart enough (otherwise it would be really despair capacity of the human brain, even when it seems hyper conditioned by its environment) to make them understand that I find completely unnecessary this approach on social networks consisting of NET to wish each other birthday, merry Christmas and other good years just as empty and unnecessary ...

There are things so much more intelligent exchanging such drivel! Birthdays are non-events par excellence. I understand that we can have a good birthday wish: when you have between four and twelve years.

While I remained a true Peter Pan, I do not mean mentally retarded.

to wish happy birthday INTERNET returns to talk just to fill the void between Web users connected by computers. It is making the finding of a failed Internet communication which reduces to share the wind. It lowered the floor level of chatter especially when it goes through Facebook, a real machine to pollute the minds of Nullity and trifles of all kinds.

"Happy Birthday" to me is equivalent to the noise.

I see Facebook as a device to brainwash the weak-minded, with its reserves of crap dumped automatically morons for its members to the last degree by its interface jeuniste populist-oriented hegemonic (Coca-Cola and "Ipaderies "are not far away).

FACEBOOK is preparing a generation entire pre-senility, I think he said.

I am the worm that will eat away inside this apple ideologically suspect.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Vodafone Sim Card Cost In India

894 - A job to dig the sand of the desert

Emptiness, decadent nonsense: these are the words that I believe best define this non-art that represents the activity of the disk jockey.

I find it shameful to pay for work perfectly hollow and brutalizing these people steeped in this "musical science from the nullity." Man, you see, is capable of the worst in the degeneration of its neurons voluntary. Using his mind, his time and energy to such drivel and glorify them, and even claim in this field know-how precious duly converted into cash, that my eyes to the top of disability culture.

Practice for years to master a complex technique, immersed in a specific sound and demanding (with its codes insider low-floor and jargon Anglo-Saxon dunce atavistic) and seek some recognition finally able to work to mix, tweak, mix in the spotlight of fame in the sub-music that will create a sub sub-music, What could be more vain, intellectually vacant, useless gear and dishonorable for any conscious mind of its actual value and its immense potential?

The disk jockey n'explore not even the baseness of human sensitivity, it simply gives its credentials to nothingness.

There is certainly creative, but only manufactures wind, inventing that sound smoke rings, only causes noise parasite, produces only a pathetic, guilty, criminal collective stupidity.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Cervix The Day Of Your Period


An article by my brother Louis-Xavier de Izarra on Islam:

I consider all religion as a considerable leap of humans to the sacred, to what he really is, that is to say a divine being.

Man is a religious animal that poses the following questions: Where I come from, who am I or am I going? Chickens, rabbits, woodcock, atheists, seals, communists, badgers and wildebeest does not pose such questions. Any religion whatsoever is a response to these three key issues.

Sorry if that displeases you, but Islam is a response, as are Buddhism, Judaism, philosophy and your belief in Jesus' return.

Regarding Islam, it is a religion that has existed for 1500 years. If it was as cruel as you suppose, long ago it would have disappeared. What's good for the man continues, what is bad will disappear spontaneously. See Nazism, communism or religions that girls sacrificed to bring rain.

This is not Islam who invented the human sacrifice, the law of retaliation, stoning but Judaism that you love so much. In fact, these sacrifices were already in prehistoric man, the day he became aware of its divine origin.

Every Sunday, Christians commemorate a human sacrifice, that of Jesus Christ at the Eucharist. "Eat and drink, this is my body, this is my blood." It is neither more nor less than an act of cannibalism. By the Host, the faithful devour the lamb Jesus.

A host is a victim sacrificed on the altar stone, and then offered to the god. The altar is nothing but a dolmen, a table of sacrifice.

We do not find such imbecility in Islam. Lamb Jesus sacrificed, tortured and crucified to save mankind throne in all the churches, many road intersections or above the bed of the Christians. Is not this cruel and stupid to believe that a primary sacrifice to bring rain or save humanity?

We are in the 21 th century! We do not find it in Islam except the sacrifice of sheep at Eid el Kebir, which is more a celebration than a sacrifice. Republicans in our slaughterhouses, there is no better.

Unlike Islam is the religion most modern, Christians are still polytheists. They love the saints as gods. They prostrate themselves before the plaster statue of the Virgin Mary, march on pilgrimage to Lisieux or kiss the feet of a plaster Jesus ...

Christians are idolaters, Buddhists as well, but in Islam it is forbidden to reduce the divine to a statue. Muslim art is not representational to prevent idolatry. Enjoy the counting of a mosque in the Vatican sets indecent.

Today not only are extremely rare stoning (applied to criminal and not a mere infidelity) but they are condemned by most Muslims. Compare to 220 000 abortions performed in France alone ... For Jews and Muslims is a horror, it's right for you. If today we can no longer blame atrocities on Christians, not because this religion is better, but because it has lost its power.

And then the Pope is not smart when it prohibits condoms in Africa affected by AIDS.

Conclusion: religions are a response but are not THE answer to our existential questions. They all have good and bad sides (more bad than good.)

Allow time for humans to grow, to become human, to discover who they are evolving, each in its way and its culture. Your beliefs and practices are yours, theirs are theirs. A little open-minded please! First see what is wrong with you. Islam, even if it's the most modern religion is nothing more than a religion, often hijacked by politicians, with aspects cruel and other more interesting. Eventually, Islam will die when humanity has opened my eyes.

Xavier de Izarra

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Quotes Sick Family Member

893 - Israel and Palestine: no not sacrifice our vegetables!

(Based on the text number 807 "To those who criticize me to look away from Yugoslavia," applied to the Israeli-Palestinian http://izarralune. )

Fouta us peace with the Jews and the Palestinians!

Whether you are for one or the other side, if you put your feet you enter a crazy story without end.

Stop want to confuse the minds of these entanglements healthy political and ethnic perfectly grotesque!

Let the Jews and Palestinians wallow in mud between them they are insane, not n'étendons their petty hostilities to us. There are so many beautiful things to do on Earth, why go to embark upon these crazy stories? Israel and Palestine is for any healthy person a huge insane asylum full of crazy rage, the "St. Anne" of the Middle East. I even wonder if the warring parties there do not wallow in their immemorial vinegar soup that seems decidedly long in wanting cool ... Keep boiling the food for so long foul, this falls squarely vice! Or demonic farce.

It looks like a broad farce concocted by sinister clowns, a circus fatal given to a whole nation, led by trumpeter of death.

If I were to try to solve all the problems of the world, well, this approach certainly generous in appearance but in fact perfectly sterile, would add yet another thorn in the world ... And my life would not suffice. Why should I dig myself in the manure of other schizophrenic amplify the risk of a disease process, rendering even more complex an inextricable tangle martial? Why try to force me to enter the circle of dementia? I'm not taking sides in this dispute unquenchable, and indeed diarrhea sick souls do not care. Enter the arena of this corner of the Middle East would only add to the din, the absurdity of the situation. When the bloody chapters of this capital will have enough s'étriper, when other countries will be outside in their infernal round, they will eventually get bored and, why not listen to reason because the solution to their condition is to biblical simplicity, if not stupid ... When one is thirsty and the water is cloudy, two solutions: either we may quench the source is flawed and contracting the runs, or we're going elsewhere to fetch clean water.

Handling classical strategists from unscrupulous: globalize their local disputes ..

When thirsty for justice, you feel free to take advantage of one or the other camp you are in fact the victim of skilled combatants. Their interest is to export their cause so that as many suckers rally there. While at first you're thinking about things sound and sensible, you foolishly let you manipulate by wolves and have a passion for hunting soon absurd that is not yours!

Confident to act for universal justice, being in the right side, defending the good cause, the alleged noble souls flying to the rescue of one or the other are really just puppets in the service of foreign conflicts and their clever protagonists ...

Do not enter this particular set of perverse under penalty of losing its soul, its freedom, its right!

short, everyone takes care of his garden and everything will be better.

If you meddle less divisive for others, the idealists you Sunday, maybe their internal affairs would be less difficult to adjust ... Entering the war of others merely amplify the complexity, extend it.

short, it only adds to the absurd to the absurd. Only the unbalanced for wanting to join the hallucinated ...

It's exactly as it was born the First World War. Most soldiers did not even know why they were fighting. And heads of states? I think they, like soldiers, were not sure why their nations killing each other.

Jews and Palestinians are concerned, they in my life, they lean on my personal problems, are they interested in my fate to that of France, our unemployed, our differences bell?

When I hurt a tooth, I do not alarm the world and yet a bad tooth is always unjust.

Let everyone cares for her garden without trampling the flowerbeds of its neighbors and the world will never look better!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Running Spandex Tights


This morning I fly over the titles of information on the various newspapers NET ...

New dominates all others and is even a paper of some newspapers.

This happens in France in 2010, a new interest to everyone because it is omnipresent in the media ...

A new incredible that no one is supposed to know as precisely the role of newspapers is to inform readers about events unavailable to their direct knowledge.

The journalist is there to report the important news we're supposed to ignore, can not fit through ourselves to sources of information, he said. It moves, investigation, questions to get the valuable information.

And what is this essential information which the newspapers keep harping today, information that we're supposed to ignore if we have not yet read the ducks?


journalists Bravo! What a beautiful job you do!

See you soon, informed and discerning reporters sent special appointment in the newspapers the next rain shower.

Raphaël Zacharie de Izarra

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

#### Star Chelsea Charms



You ask me to intervene on your behalf about things that are said about you or around you in these places ...

Know that I have a report with more distant FACEBOOK I visit less and less.

In general I accept all friend requests without looking too closely behind the nicknames. Much out of laziness than a lack of curiosity about the members of this network-bin World general hyper (necessarily uninteresting for the beautiful spirit that I am).

Actually I despise growing social network Facebook, which to me seems to be a huge receptacle for rubbish and vanities.

I am using this network only for "make up the numbers," multiply "entries izarriennes" on GOOGLE and increase my popularity with search engines. This is essentially and purely selfish and not Facebookien.

Therefore I attach little importance to gossip, truths, lies, and drivel about sterile say that on Facebook, both on my own account only about others.

I even thought a few days ago to destroy my account as an inexhaustible well of this foolishness and stupidity that is heartbreaking FACEBOOK is far from the heights of my soul izarrienne. At the last minute I changed my mind: to destroy my account reduce my popularity on the NET. It's the only reason I do not destroy my Facebook account.

All this to mean that I read almost no posts of each other deposited at the bottom of my texts and photos posted on Facebook and even less to answer, with some exceptions. All this seems as tedious and unnecessary.

Facebook is a network that has gradually been designed so that it becomes an inexhaustible well of drivel that I mentioned earlier, everything is done so that reactions such as yours are born that mass constant miasma. The trap is to respond as you do in order to "restore truths" or defend your honor, your respectability.

Very clever of the designers of this global network!

If unlike me you have no self-interest to stay on Facebook, a tip: leave the largest network of seedy world!

Facebook is an octopus with arms that will replicate indefinitely: once you get into the game, it never comes out! Whenever you post something on Facebook, new branches from your publication soon (reactions and reactions to reactions, etc.. ) and you feel compelled to respond to solicitations potentially exponential which invariably occur if each member of FACEBOOK reacts as you do now!

FACEBOOK's strength is not only purely technical qualities but above all its impact and psychological mode. The proof: you feel compelled to bring developed while you might well not waste your time on such nonsense either by ignoring them or by simply deleting your account ...

FACEBOOK has been specifically designed for this: that any portion of this social network on the average Internet quickly become indispensable to its reputation, its image, its "value" real or imaginary. Did you know that very few people put false information in their Facebook profile?

FACEBOOK naturally encourages people to put real information about their life on their profile.

Interesting, no?

mind trendy popular jeuniste, GP, "Coca Cola" FACEBOOK m'insupporte particular. ORANGE is the spirit or TF1: neither more nor less than an extensive manipulation of the masses is purely profit, hegemonic a false humanism systematically pulling everything down on the pretext of "think globally" ...

Smart people like you should understand and do not enter traps FACEBOOK. So I suggest you act on FACEBOOK with a much more critical and less formal over anything that is done and said about you. I leave you the option to act accordingly.

Besides, I'll publish this text on FACEBOOK, just to show my detachment from the global garbage (I will not mention your identity).

Raphaël Zacharie de IZARRA