Saturday, December 18, 2010

Is 6.4 To High For Blood Sugar

897 - Boy's Band: The Revenge of bumpkins

They are cheesy, not beautiful, badly dressed, partially edentulous, have frankly provincial manners and are the laughingstock of the Western NET.

short, these are real rednecks.

And the best part is that this is absolutely not the second level!

They parody in all countries. The whole world is laughing at their mouths (they did not fashionable).

is a Russian boy band, or more exactly, Russia deep : The StekloVata .

Their success outside their borders is due to the hilarious gap between their standards and ours bumpkins.

Still ...

is precisely because they embody the exact opposite of what makes superficiality and ineptitude and the decadence of our codes trendy, that I find touching.

But above all very healthy.

In fact, they do not sing tales of sex, money, love, sordid, drugs or violence. These are not posers of the degenerate mentality. They, with their coarse sweater, we just want ... a good year! (NOVI GOD)

profound influence on Russia ...

In their big muddy shoes well, these boys with musical values totally alien to our Western hyper sexed, impregnated with unhealthy ideas and permanent state of over-dose we wish a good year, innocent in their rustic simplicity , protected from the poison of our vice sophisticated.

So look not only with a lenient eye the boy band of bumpkins but also with a certain purity, even if their appearance is a natural smile.

I prefer a thousand times as a boy's band of rustics remained healthy, authentic one of these musical products Marketts,-cultured and "rappéisés" below the suspects.
SEE THE VIDEO - Revenge of bumpkins:


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