Sunday, December 19, 2010

Prepare Liver For Night Of Drinking

898 - Revenge of bumpkins (continued)

Given the reaction mocking generated by the famous boy band Russian to dress codes and aesthetic totally out of line with what some call the "standard decent "-and that I would call somewhat artificial Western decadence even mercantilo-globalist- I return to the topic to add some additional truths.

These numerous parodies of the Russian group around the western world -up in South America- are indicative of the corrupt mentality of these young people well formatted by gurus who gorge themselves because Facebookien their values adulterated.

All these I feel sorry for mocking their mockery sign their degeneration.

They believe themselves better off with their references stinking Hollywood Vice cultural aesthetic and falsehood, are luckier with their rap, rock and tectonic brainless , pierced lips, think themselves more intelligent, better educated with their empty skull became miserable container Coca-Cola, are persuaded to be more creative, to enjoy a more sophisticated musical sensibility with their sonic disturbances unhealthy ...

These clones -interchangeable from one continent to another, consumers Nullity, followers of the same endless nonsense and heresies provided by merchants soup dictating their laws are in my eyes truly indigent.

Having lost all innocence artistic, they love deviance music and its perversities they take to the refinement of the avant-garde, rebellion!

Perfectly meaningless criticism, brainwashed by their radio waves brainless morons, adopting the manners and insane products derived from their taste for music flawed, these puppets eager to consume drivel let themselves be fooled by the sirens mercantilo -dress that will make them monkeys all the same, to the great satisfaction of their mentors hold the heavy artillery such EMI, FNAC, M6, NRJ, FACEBOOK, APPLE, MICROSOFT, MSN, ORANGE , etc..

The superfluous accessory, the frivolous, sham are their true values.

Iphonisés, imbécillisés, mac-donalisés, homosexualisation, leftish (but wrong) these plugged-tatooed-plucked victims of the crisis- the real crisis, that is the moral crisis - only have to ridicule the Russian singers stayed sane, true to their appearance, without vanity, their mouths authentic, angular and blunt, not pomaded with their rural Russian mentality remained intact, although in away from cultural miasma Westerners who are the pride of our asses-cultured.

Miserables parody mocking the young Russian!

They, mockingbirds, which are really to be pitied them as cannon fodder nightclubs and music labels that brutalize the disc after disc, year after year, generation after generation.


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