Friday, December 3, 2010

Cervix The Day Of Your Period


An article by my brother Louis-Xavier de Izarra on Islam:

I consider all religion as a considerable leap of humans to the sacred, to what he really is, that is to say a divine being.

Man is a religious animal that poses the following questions: Where I come from, who am I or am I going? Chickens, rabbits, woodcock, atheists, seals, communists, badgers and wildebeest does not pose such questions. Any religion whatsoever is a response to these three key issues.

Sorry if that displeases you, but Islam is a response, as are Buddhism, Judaism, philosophy and your belief in Jesus' return.

Regarding Islam, it is a religion that has existed for 1500 years. If it was as cruel as you suppose, long ago it would have disappeared. What's good for the man continues, what is bad will disappear spontaneously. See Nazism, communism or religions that girls sacrificed to bring rain.

This is not Islam who invented the human sacrifice, the law of retaliation, stoning but Judaism that you love so much. In fact, these sacrifices were already in prehistoric man, the day he became aware of its divine origin.

Every Sunday, Christians commemorate a human sacrifice, that of Jesus Christ at the Eucharist. "Eat and drink, this is my body, this is my blood." It is neither more nor less than an act of cannibalism. By the Host, the faithful devour the lamb Jesus.

A host is a victim sacrificed on the altar stone, and then offered to the god. The altar is nothing but a dolmen, a table of sacrifice.

We do not find such imbecility in Islam. Lamb Jesus sacrificed, tortured and crucified to save mankind throne in all the churches, many road intersections or above the bed of the Christians. Is not this cruel and stupid to believe that a primary sacrifice to bring rain or save humanity?

We are in the 21 th century! We do not find it in Islam except the sacrifice of sheep at Eid el Kebir, which is more a celebration than a sacrifice. Republicans in our slaughterhouses, there is no better.

Unlike Islam is the religion most modern, Christians are still polytheists. They love the saints as gods. They prostrate themselves before the plaster statue of the Virgin Mary, march on pilgrimage to Lisieux or kiss the feet of a plaster Jesus ...

Christians are idolaters, Buddhists as well, but in Islam it is forbidden to reduce the divine to a statue. Muslim art is not representational to prevent idolatry. Enjoy the counting of a mosque in the Vatican sets indecent.

Today not only are extremely rare stoning (applied to criminal and not a mere infidelity) but they are condemned by most Muslims. Compare to 220 000 abortions performed in France alone ... For Jews and Muslims is a horror, it's right for you. If today we can no longer blame atrocities on Christians, not because this religion is better, but because it has lost its power.

And then the Pope is not smart when it prohibits condoms in Africa affected by AIDS.

Conclusion: religions are a response but are not THE answer to our existential questions. They all have good and bad sides (more bad than good.)

Allow time for humans to grow, to become human, to discover who they are evolving, each in its way and its culture. Your beliefs and practices are yours, theirs are theirs. A little open-minded please! First see what is wrong with you. Islam, even if it's the most modern religion is nothing more than a religion, often hijacked by politicians, with aspects cruel and other more interesting. Eventually, Islam will die when humanity has opened my eyes.

Xavier de Izarra


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