Monday, December 27, 2010

Ugg Fluff Mommas Sale

899 - Considerations on Christmas misanthropic

Some do not like rats, spiders and worms.

I do not like dogs (their smell and manners disgust me, I can not stand their barking and fear their fangs) children (not all but generally because few of them are gifted) and senile old people (old falling in childhood embody the forfeiture of the end of life).

In short I am allergic to the sight of being weak, stupid, handicapped, impaired.

I prefer to see humans in good health, intelligent, educated, skilled, talented, happy, joyful, radiant, glorious.

Is it illegal to have such preferences?

I love seeing kids happy ... receive nothing at Christmas. Izarra in these models are unfortunately quite rare.

I prefer to see children happy at the idea of making belt at Christmas, so bright children. If teachers and parents were pretty brave to their offspring they would explain to them that the real gifts are not all this nonsense material which they Gave at Christmas and even every day of the year but the intelligence, the wealth of mind. A child smart enough to understand that he must be happy receive nothing at Christmas is infinitely more pleasant to me one of these little cretins ignorant rotten with gifts that will sell the next day on EBAY! (Because in addition they have computers in their room with access to INTERNET, which in itself is a gift every day is worth all the Christmas of their lives!)

It's Christmas every day in our affluent society but how it really make account? Children should marvel every day of the year not only of all the beautiful things they enjoy, but also the heavens, nature and the stars instead of waiting for Christmas Day begin to open their eyes to the nonsense that they offer!

The kids today are rude as the parents of stuffed game-boy games stupid networks, mobile phones and programs brainless debited by the bouquets of channels they are dunces illiterate who can not even appreciate the essential joys of life. Schoolrumble "yaourtisés" excessive, they are future adults sickly (they have no antibodies from living under roofs hot) who will claim their Fifty years before retirement dupontesque!

Many of them do not even know what a cow, a flurry of March or a frog, they are wrapped up in their cages rabbit anti-educational! They think that fish are square and that piercings are essential accessories to them its due.

Generation "limacière" ignorant of jaded by the screens, fast food everyday and Christmas because Christmas is with them every day of the year but just like their parents they are idiots not even realize it.
children brought to the Iphone, rebels and rebellious, alcoholic 11-year deflowered at 13, can no longer marvel at the simple things in nature, yet infinitely more dense than their technologies small uneducated fools.

That said I do not really hate children: I resent that children quiet, intellectually gifted, well educated and socially advantaged. If they have inherited the particle is even better.

As the offspring of Smith, it disturbs me greatly.

I'm actually allergic to stupidity child and parent, this is no provocation on my part to say this but the simple and banal truth.

See how beautiful the world can have the will to fight against its ugliness.

is exactly what I'm here, I do not focus on the ugliness of the world, quite the contrary: it is her beauty that interests me, hence my preference for being successful, experienced, wise, intelligent. Just knowing the pose gaze in wonder at the beauty of things and not to linger their ugliness is enough to beautify the world, although it also does not necessarily active approach to redress the ugly.

I do not worship stupid and politically correct child so dear to our society demagogue, even if I consider an authentic Peter Pan otherwise, which may seem paradoxical. Childhood is a paradise where there is but when one is an adult-child at least one other- is considered a disability, a state of dependency, of weakness and ignorance. I did an internship in a retirement home for bed-ridden in 1991: I think the same thing regarding old age senile. I pitied the old ending their lives in misery and certain mental and physical m'insupportaient in their dotage, their bedding staining with excrement.

I see nothing glorious to wipe the old. I find it degrading and moved to be proud of this charitable act because the alleged false elevation of mind of the caregiver is priced at the misery of these old. True love would it not make the sacrifice of his own humility to serve a cause happy?

See my biographical text No. 781 on this "The Barn of the Dead" :

Unlike Mother Teresa, who seemed to revel in the rancid odor of old age destitute of Calcutta, I prefer the scents of the old noble radiant. While it relieved the misery and it's very commendable, but it did not really merit because it was precisely its purpose. She could not do anything Christian in his life.

This is not my role: Izarra is not Mother Theresa.

Everyone must be in place and do his work and mine is not in Calcutta but here in the demystification of Christmas gifts that I call "idiotic morons already small stuffed full year."

I hate Santa Claus, Yankee slag typically advertising for Coca-Cola!

Remember that Santa is an invention marketing years 1940 to sell Coca-Cola. It gives me image of decadence placing on the throne of a false tradition that is neither ours nor legitimate for its creators (U.S. publicists) who misled the Christmas message into a marketing coup Long duration.

Nothing to do with the real Christmas!

The Santas who hang around the shopping areas where they are paid by the hour does not make me dream.

They are even kill ultimate dream.

Everything is recovering commercial, children are decidedly too stupid not to see it! While they dream, adults manipulative, cynical, rub their hands and parents, brutalized in the last stage, open their wallets without counting.

Children kings = slave parents.

When I was little I naively thought that the showmen were happy to get me up on their rides. Adult, I realized that they did nothing to make children happy. They care only that their money will bring smiles hypocrites (when the show because most of the time the showmen have a wealth villainous and length of time to show their displeasure).

What sense is there when Christmas is Christmas every day?

To me a real Christmas that makes me really is a dream Christmas bare in the winter cold, a pious Christmas in touch with the harsh elements, a monastic Christmas where only the main peak of the tired souls material abundance that stifles the spirit.

Read my Christmas stories, revealing my thought: they all deal with the renunciation of fireworks for a return to basics.

The drivel about the pagan Christmas, since the log sweeteners to gifts obscene (video games and martial Iphones) or cutesy flashing at the bottom of the tree (which sometimes, horror of horrors, ; is plastic) bore me to death, do not make me dream at all. I find this all very trivial, vulgar, heavy, indigestible and ultimately empty.

I prefer to walk alone at night in the snow away from the screen, the background noise and all the artifices of modern life, something I do in fact every time he snow.

To be honest I must say that I like watches and Christmas nights for the reason that public space is pleasantly depopulated any commoner, she is too busy to celebrate in front of the television. It is delightful to walk in the countryside in the cold of the night while the rest of the world leaves me in peace. That said, I still find it unfortunate that these people are deprived of this joy and pure manly consists in giving up their Christmas drivel. Christmas for any layman in the world I would not trade my beautiful night walks against an evening of television in a hot room dripping with garlands and gift foils.

Finally, move a red rag to a bull or flatter with bundles of hay are the best ways to channel its energy to our benefit. We apply the same method to humans except that the words sometimes act like goads, and sometimes as hugs. Politicians know how to use the perfection of this trick as old as the world.

The goals are quite diverse, but here it is to experience the characters, the intelligence measure.

izarrien The overbid is an excellent test for my interlocutors.

There are those who respond with humor to my red rags, others by rhetoric, some by injury.

It is always very interesting to watch all these reactions.


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