Thursday, December 16, 2010

Fotos De Cancer De Prostata


It will still seem very unfair, inappropriate and downright out of order on my part but some names have a strong power of irritation to me and shows me I immediately dislike their carriers ...

This is regardless of the actual or perceived quality of the unfortunate elected and baptized by their parents .... idiots

These names which I'm particularly allergic to? It's simple, they just evoke Phoenix home, the heroes of American series, feel the sofa in front of the flat screen, have a foul stench of middle class 90s, are burdened with earrings and piercings stupid ... Strident as ringtones iphone, they make me in a bad mood:

Quentin, Jordan, Dylan, Jordy, Kevin ...

These names are unacceptable to the ears stink really well educated classes Commons flabby in their ignoble sofas LEATHER CENTER, I mean those famous assholes how steeped in television culture, just above Dupont, say between Duchesne and Duchnoque.

No this is not really charitable to me, but is it worthy of charitable and from French parents call their offspring Kevin Jordan, Jennifer or Jessica?

With names like they deprive them of any possibility of upward aristocratic!

Miserables parents ... Poor kids piercings ...

Raphaƫl Zacharie de Izarra


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