Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Dark And Smelly Urine

896 - Cripple in the world, superior izarrienne

I suspect that what I describe here will still be perceived as abusive, arrogant, conceited unbearably in the eyes of some critics who are tired of demonstrations peremptory plume izarrien ....

Nevertheless I am increasingly aware of the socio-cultural stupidity -or-congenital of most of my fellow human beings struggling with the realities of this world stupid lunatic that they forged themselves. Given their behavior perfectly childish, insignificant, tragically inept, comically stupid, I say unabashedly be highly intelligent, lucid and gloriously finally freed from the fetters of this century. Compared to the herd of grazing molluscs brain truths soothing, I'm a star burner of short grass, a sun "dryer" snail slime, a redeemer Lord of ordinary stupidity: which is the worst since the banal stupidity, accepted, shared, maintained, always goes unnoticed.

A very simple illustration of the high ambient stupidity of this world, so everyday that few people are able to perceive: the ratio of the average man in his vehicle. Consciously, I did not take a dramatic example it would be too easy to denounce the exception-but universal, close, immediately identifiable.

Flagrante misery of the spirit of the possessor of grieving for a car bump or a scratch on his body! Profound weakness of the soul of that driver who goes to a car wash to clean them what he sees as the ultimate sign of respectability ... Or even more primary, more raw, more distressing, as the symbol of his ostensible phallus (which he generally very short).

inalienable and sovereign freedom of individuals to act according to their whims, my retort is ... Or spend their money as they wish, to their dignity in appearance, the diversity of their property, to cherish their cars as female. Certainly. Except that this insane behavior is more pure alienation causes commercial, advertising, media and therefore more of the nonsense that regrettably true freedom.

other words this way to act and feel is determined by a common packing from the bottom of the weak-minded, cowardly, or lazy and not by this alleged individual freedom sacred to the excesses by those same people who believe to have any enjoyment, are pitifully deprived!

To be truly free one must be a gentleman and not a serf, a warrior and not a victim, an actor and not a pawn is one who thinks that hovers above the vanities and stupidities of the world.

The man is a genius capable of the best jerk to prove the worst. It builds cars, computers, rockets and yet this does not prevent it from being a pathetic moron: an engineer sometimes adopt the same behavior as a socially disadvantaged illiterate when he will wash his car or make a slight right depression of his body ...

Such instances of disability, invalidity, indigence on the part of my contemporaries, I could to provide satiety. Few enlightened minds than mine also perceive these things with such acuity. Many humans are not products of their thought but the thought of the fireworks dealers: advertising, industrial, political manipulators, opinion makers and media even more insidious, gurus of Hollywood hegemony.

Thus men are clones in their own narrow-minded mimicry systematically oriented behavioral poverty: all susceptible to the same causes touted and sold (usually at high prices) by their screens, all "Fans" of football fans all the same food or cultural foul (because in this context of social culture is dumbing obviously become a commodity, like sexual pleasure or spirituality which we did a trade), ugliness of the same standards as imposed by the system where the smooth coat and tie is complacency. The likeness of beings -concept created by the industrial era seems there-, their equality in mediocrity, standardization of all possible plans can act on them with maximum efficiency and minimum effort. The crowds have been educated in the same tastes at a discount, with the same needs for redundant, it is more convenient to continue to dictate their values properly calibrated to consume from a single source such as movies, television, press. Or even more clever, through the "spirit Coca-Cola" ie without tangible support, which makes handling more undetectable: this is called the cult of youth, the swagger, the superficial, the trivial. Higher forms of vulgarity and inanity.

Facebook is a champion for it.

These disabilities are not thinking of wicked men so far, no it is not the issue: the vast majority are very nice, honest, have a real good background and be of good will and aspirations of the common good.

These humans heretical in light izarrienne are not pigs, no.

These are just asses.


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