Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Quotes Sick Family Member

893 - Israel and Palestine: no not sacrifice our vegetables!

(Based on the text number 807 "To those who criticize me to look away from Yugoslavia," applied to the Israeli-Palestinian http://izarralune. )

Fouta us peace with the Jews and the Palestinians!

Whether you are for one or the other side, if you put your feet you enter a crazy story without end.

Stop want to confuse the minds of these entanglements healthy political and ethnic perfectly grotesque!

Let the Jews and Palestinians wallow in mud between them they are insane, not n'étendons their petty hostilities to us. There are so many beautiful things to do on Earth, why go to embark upon these crazy stories? Israel and Palestine is for any healthy person a huge insane asylum full of crazy rage, the "St. Anne" of the Middle East. I even wonder if the warring parties there do not wallow in their immemorial vinegar soup that seems decidedly long in wanting cool ... Keep boiling the food for so long foul, this falls squarely vice! Or demonic farce.

It looks like a broad farce concocted by sinister clowns, a circus fatal given to a whole nation, led by trumpeter of death.

If I were to try to solve all the problems of the world, well, this approach certainly generous in appearance but in fact perfectly sterile, would add yet another thorn in the world ... And my life would not suffice. Why should I dig myself in the manure of other schizophrenic amplify the risk of a disease process, rendering even more complex an inextricable tangle martial? Why try to force me to enter the circle of dementia? I'm not taking sides in this dispute unquenchable, and indeed diarrhea sick souls do not care. Enter the arena of this corner of the Middle East would only add to the din, the absurdity of the situation. When the bloody chapters of this capital will have enough s'étriper, when other countries will be outside in their infernal round, they will eventually get bored and, why not listen to reason because the solution to their condition is to biblical simplicity, if not stupid ... When one is thirsty and the water is cloudy, two solutions: either we may quench the source is flawed and contracting the runs, or we're going elsewhere to fetch clean water.

Handling classical strategists from unscrupulous: globalize their local disputes ..

When thirsty for justice, you feel free to take advantage of one or the other camp you are in fact the victim of skilled combatants. Their interest is to export their cause so that as many suckers rally there. While at first you're thinking about things sound and sensible, you foolishly let you manipulate by wolves and have a passion for hunting soon absurd that is not yours!

Confident to act for universal justice, being in the right side, defending the good cause, the alleged noble souls flying to the rescue of one or the other are really just puppets in the service of foreign conflicts and their clever protagonists ...

Do not enter this particular set of perverse under penalty of losing its soul, its freedom, its right!

short, everyone takes care of his garden and everything will be better.

If you meddle less divisive for others, the idealists you Sunday, maybe their internal affairs would be less difficult to adjust ... Entering the war of others merely amplify the complexity, extend it.

short, it only adds to the absurd to the absurd. Only the unbalanced for wanting to join the hallucinated ...

It's exactly as it was born the First World War. Most soldiers did not even know why they were fighting. And heads of states? I think they, like soldiers, were not sure why their nations killing each other.

Jews and Palestinians are concerned, they in my life, they lean on my personal problems, are they interested in my fate to that of France, our unemployed, our differences bell?

When I hurt a tooth, I do not alarm the world and yet a bad tooth is always unjust.

Let everyone cares for her garden without trampling the flowerbeds of its neighbors and the world will never look better!


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