Monday, January 31, 2011

Star Wars Clone Wars Hentia

When the Cat purring at Coffee Cat Ailu

a time when preparations for Tet is rife in the streets of the capital, where the cat is about to hunt for a good shot of his cousin the tiger paw schedules across the country, I decided to take you to a place for the least original, where the little cat is in the spotlight since last June already.

No, fear not! It is not a tapas bar where they serve you meat freshly butchered kitty to drink (this concept would also frankly nothing surprising here ...), but a bar where clients sit on the ground were just having a good time in the company of hairy. The "ronronthéraphie", it means nothing to you?

You can imagine, perhaps, the idea comes straight from Japan and has not failed to attract a young clientele fed to manga and always a fan of Hello Kitty.

In total, fifteen cats share hugs and 60 m2 of the house of three storeys. Let me introduce Bong (Cotton) ...

... and Nam (Mushroom) ...

course, I have everything I need at home (RASPOUTINE FORGIVE ME!) But, having spent a long time chatting with my fellow diners, I think I found the perfect place to practice my rudimentary Vietnamese, while having a chance to be included (and corrected!).

few simple rules are to be respected by customers as, for example, do not pull the cats tail (!), nor disturb them during their sleep.

For the rest, full of good fresh fruit juice are on the menu provided to ignore the stench of pee escaping litter ...

4, Alley Xuong Phim Thuy Khue

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Hide Computer From Network Ubuntu

Like a breath of spring ...

The cold wave that has recently hit northern Vietnam has given a lot of sweat peach growers who saw the approaching Tet. But the milder weather of recent days has given them a smile. The first flowers bloom and finally show how to walk the streets of Hanoi!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Straight Bathtub,pillow

906 - Futility employment

Having never been triturated by any desire for social advancement, of "financial freedom", professional growth, I have lived until about thirty years with my parents.

These were the happiest years of my life. Perfectly penniless, during this long period I have at no time dreamed of earning, on the contrary.

The prospect of financial independence I have never deceived, but the reason for my entire life have I made any claim in paid work. Access to material goods (car garage for the house, sofas, patio umbrellas, pool, electric gate, vacations, boiler, conservatory, skis, camper, boat, etc.). any time since I was always unnecessary been for me a form of slavery to futile causes.

A bit of pocket money for my amusements of Peter Pan just me greatly. Why require the existence of comfort and dreams that I had been with my bed, my desk and my typewriter in his father's extensive library crammed with old books, more than enjoyment, free sound and immediately accessible than afforded me the elements, seasons, the simple things of everyday life, more food than those treasures that my parents were recovering in the bins around the shops?

I was driving as well as anyone that practicing hitchhiking. So I went to visit all regions of France and a dozen European countries. My local travel effected by the same means. I was like a vehicle owner, the disadvantages of ownership and less.

Also I do not understand that young people without work -but not without food security and basic hardware- not be satisfied with their lot, sterile turlupin by dreams of car ownership, vacation in the sun , home buying ... I can understand that it requires a job when you're in a situation really critical, but when one has access to resources for certain minimum, I consider it a heresy, a luxury most shameful and anti-civic behavior inspired by the pure selfishness of the fact demand work, a wage, then so many other young people far from being in a situation so lucky have a legitimate need that myself!

I believe in a socio-professional difficulty where there is so much unemployment, the least we can do for a young person with access from the outset at subsistence level without the absolute obligation to earn a salary, is to be content with what he has and leave room for others, fathers and unemployed penniless, who really need to work.

This did not prevent him from living, INDEED!

An unemployed young yet fast- physical security which was my case should thank fate and take the opportunity to take his life to something more exciting than finding a job. Do not have to work to finance the purchase of a car, house, lounge, kitchen, etc.. is an opportunity. Yet convinced that their salvation can only be achieved by the accumulation material goods as well as futile and grotesque mimicry by the office based on the dominant model, the unemployed youth will swell the unemployment figures by claiming to have a society in which it has basically not necessary.

Wanting to be able to work to build a house when we already have a roof over his head for food while the welfare trash provides in part to the dishes and desserts or to own a car then you can make free long and short distances with the vehicles of others, it remains secondary, superficial, the fun that we take mistaken for serious things.

You will argue that a young person who wants a life together and start a family must free itself from the proximity and dependency parenting ... Wrong! Until early last century in France extended families were formed within the same household, and even now the thing is common in countries where the patriarchal mentality and sense of family remains deeply rooted. And it works perfectly. Myself for years I remained under the parental roof without money, happy between the contents of my trash expensive, guests dusty shelves of the library and looks surprised but very real indeed a companion, who in turn passed smoothly the system opposite to mine.

vulgar Unfortunately in our society based mainly on material satisfaction, other benefits we offer generous fate, nature or even age is not universally appreciated. Any question that is "intelligence of the situation," maturity of mind, independence of thought.

With my copy off course circuit of the labor market is completely detached from social inconsistencies, but insensitive nonsense material responsive to simple and natural beauties of life, I am the most glaring illustration of the validity of the model izarrien, so the accuracy and relevance of these remarks.


I any comments ahead of opponents, stating that there is no shame in being with his parents until thirty years or more. The shame is useless to think or to underestimate the pretext that it does not work in the eyes of society. A man is not a machine, not a robot. It is not on Earth to be useful in an economic system but to live free.

I'm lucky it is true and that's exactly what I said in my text. I am not alone in having this chance that some see as a bad luck unfortunately. They have as much chance as me but believe themselves disadvantaged by lot and, influenced by the speech outside and the seductions of the world of unnecessary work, require to be employed advantageously when they could do without! Because of the influence of consumer society and recognition through paid work erected in true religion, some have everything for them and yet have believed all against them. Find a job in my eyes is a disqualification when you can live without excessive hardware fasteners on the basis of minimum income.

I add that I work, except that my work is not recognized under the pretext that it earns me any money.

Once an activity does not make money, in general it is devalued by society. Yet there are lazy and hardworking employees unpaid.

Know finally I hate laziness, carelessness, the life of the parasite. In any case I've been promoting laziness. I just praised the freedom of thought and activity.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Coleman Evcon Furnace

905 - The old Charone

Charone Germaine is an old lady of ninety-eight years. She saw the "14", the Germans in forty and has buried all its neighbors.

In ninety-eight years she never left his small village of Picardy, Contay. Germaine Charone is a rambling old carrion from morning to evening, although she saved Jewish children from German iron during the last war. It has also been awarded the Medal of the Righteous for his exemplary behavior during this period. It does not stop him from accusing Manush in 1975 of stealing a chicken. Wrongly, as it had secretly eaten his chicken. I remember well, I had seen the cook in large pot, I was eight. It was an old hen.

Charone Germaine has often liked to do evil, but now she has lost her mind. Her husband was hit in the right knee by shrapnel in forty-three. Since then he has always limped from the leg. He died in forty six. Fortunately, so he will not long box. Germaine, she now approach the hundreds of years, she began to want to engage in the Scouts de France. She has lost his mind. One day she wanted to kill the dog of someone not even know it. On June 27, 1978 she cut her entire tree because there was too much shade outside her window. Bertrand, a friend of the street where she lived and where she still lives the rest since it has never left his hut, wanted the hit because of it. She wanted him to death. All this for a history of darkness.

Me, I hate it: it stinks like old she is, she does not wash because she lives at home alone without anyone to help. She no longer has a head but is too proud to ninety-eight years to get help from a young girl has not even experienced the war while she saved Jewish children.

It has made it looks wicked.

She's proud to not like the lava but it can not even drag himself without his crutches, the old! I'm not saying "it quickly die", it will not say these things. But there's no distance that I think, I confess. Having said that stop me to say hello the old Germaine.

I'm still polite, even with her. She has over his head. Must say it is old c'te carrion. She ninety-eight years.

Where Can I Find Free Sean Cody?

904 - Nestorine is jut

Today's colossal Nestorine decided to go run the buck, just to stretch their fists (for when she is in heat, she bangs!) and aerate the ovaries .

She chose to be shaken by Alphonse guts killer pigs. Alphonse is a strapping mine Asshole, surly face crossed by a long scar. It is an authentic désoûle brute who never wins and his hooch in slaying of pigs in farms in the area on behalf of butchers chestnuts. It is also a poacher illiterate, a kind of skunk two legs, a primary soul, a heart of stone, leather instead of the skin. It is a bear, a wolf, an ox.

short, the kind of person that does not meet especially on country roads, unless they are armed. But Alphonse is innocent in the eyes of Nestorine a simple appetizer, a wimp "sissy" écouillée a fag good at anything helpless woman, a Manure unable fag what not even a man ... Oh my! Nestorine but is not difficult in choosing its partners, in his view there is no breeding worthy of the name in his brutal world. She would have preferred a man, a real one instead of the effete sissy Alphonse. Seen, the criteria of seduction and masculinity as Nestorine are very selective. It sets the bar very high.

With Nestorine Bridal approach is reduced to its simplest expression:

- The Alphonse, there's the guts of Fumel you stuff! Come to me pack the viscaille with your braquacouille!

this delicate invites Alphonse is no exception:

- Nestorine, you want the braquaille in Fumel? Here, take my big pinnace therefore meat in your boat!

These words barely exchanged between two lovers, the beautiful Nestorine is jut on the spot by the beast. Not without having hit his partner somewhat dampened by bad alcohol in order to put the ideas into place. Once completed the odious union, the two lovers are separated without a word. Alphonse is usually rung masted copiously by the fiery female flesh insatiable.

Again, Nestorine terror is a young girl, barely twenty, a juggernaut all muscle, an inexhaustible well of energy, a mountain of testosterone, the pognes lumberjack, a breast Centurion . One hundred and twenty kilos of violence, granite and tenderness in the rough. A wrestling champion in petticoats. It hits hard the Nestorine, especially when in rut.

Nestorine, believing that her womb was well besognée, it now returns to his farm: "There's a beef slaughter udder gut for the feast of St. Hippolytus. "For you must know that the St-Hyppolite's party at the farm. Do not you dare to ask especially Nestorine what feast on the farm that day , otherwise you could be leaving plumes.

Tip: Avoid at all costs to cross the road Nestorine. What say you? Whether it is after all a young girl, barely Twenty years? Do not be fooled by appearances!

You who play the heroes in your living room city, we can see that you've never seen her at work, the "beautiful" Nestorine ...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Subaru Airbag Software

It was once a vaudeville ... in the home! My beautiful kumquat

Today, 23 th day of 12 th lunar month is celebrated in Vietnam Tet Tao Quan (which is translated into French by engineering the home), which reads the caption:

Once upon a time, a woodcutter who lived with his wife on the edge of a forest. They were poor and had no children. At first they lived a simple life and honestly. Life is increasingly difficult, the husband became violent. He began to drink and when he was drunk he beat his wife. Despite his sincere love for her husband, she could not stand it. One day her husband saw the knife in hand, she fled into the forest . the evening she came to a hut in a clearing: the home of a hunter. After listening to the huntsman had pity on her and agreed to host it. Soon, affectionate and loving relationship established between them.
As to the woodcutter, after the leak of his wife, he was seized with remorse and decided to leave his research. Fortunately, he found her, cried and begged her to go home with him. While they lamented because the woman still loved her husband, the hunter returned. Panicked, the woman hid her husband under a bale of hay behind the house. The hunter asked his companion to turn the straw to cook the deer he had caught. She refused. He therefore himself on fire. The poor woodcutter had no time to escape and perished in the flames. The woman, desperate to have caused the death of her husband, threw herself into the fire. The hunter does not understand the reason, he thought had committed any offense. He also jumped into the fire to follow his beloved.
This tragic end moved the heaven. He decided that they would be together now, around the fire service in the home, in recognition of their conjugal love. The trio became the genius of the hearth.
According An Introduction to the knowledge of Vietnam Tran Thi Hao, L'Harmattan 2007
Celebration This particular festival gives rise to scenes of colorful street where is burned funny paper representing boots (of course by three pairs), court costumes, hats of Mandarin and especially, whole bundles of counterfeit dollars. The belief is in fact the trio, now engineering the home, returns to heaven a week before the changeover to the new year to make a detailed report to the Jade Emperor about the behavior of humans under his tutelage. An offering (the gossips say a small bribe) is always appreciated ...

Monday, January 24, 2011

Good Bmx Bikes Under 100

903 - Flight of the parasite

In the prime of age, this man is useless. In his ten fingers and from morning to evening, it produces no fruit. It is on the work of others he eats. And no one misses anything that can satisfy his barren existence ... Best suits him, even if he does not lean hard day: when he must settle for little, he made a feast for both the belly and mind. Glad everything falls on his head and stomach, he lives a happy and even-tempered.

Free, it offers to those who accuse it of no avail to imitate. He has no money, no children, no wife, no job, no future, no ambition.

And even less vanity.

This unproductive to smooth hands has nothing to sell. He spends his time "sucking blood" of those who toil and who does not understand.

He sings, he laughs, plays, sleeps, eats, he dreams, he thinks, he meditates, he speaks ... Without offering anything in return to society.

sworn enemy of humanity industrious, honest and tidy, this man has no place on Earth. And because it looks beyond the clouds it is still far from his feet.

In truth he did not need to work to live, because the bandit steals man's useless.

In that time, the mentality, location, use or prejudice was appointed hermit, SDF, monk, poet, madman, Izarra, mystical, idiot, gypsy, going barefoot, backward wandering, wretch, assisted, lost ...

Steals not his neighbor, not the system, not even the earth.

His flight it is more subtle.

He flies high, very high, simply.

How Do You Install A Camera For Oovoo

The West has its fine share good wishes for over three weeks ago, Vietnam's Tet - also called Spring Festival - everyone expects a ith forward to celebrate the transition to the new year. A ten days before the deadline, the excitement is palpable in the streets of the capital, where many streets have suddenly trimmed vegetable colors.

a sign of prosperity for the coming year, tradition dictates that every family receives a kumquat in his home (size The shrub is of course directly proportional to the thickness of his wallet). So, what do we cross into the two-wheeler converted into nurseries itinerant these days!

At home, exit the fake tree made in China playing too much overtime since the Feast of King and up to a nice specimen unearthed on the outskirts of the city.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Final Level Cube Field

In the kitchen with the chef Viewed: vegetarian spring rolls

Thing As promised, here is the recipe for spring rolls learned during our cooking class , Quy Nhon, some of you seemed to be waiting impatiently. As always with Vietnamese cuisine, which takes time is the preparation of vegetables. The rest is a breeze. Well ... almost!

Ingredients for 4 people (about 16 pieces):
1 package of rice cakes of 16 cm diameter
1 small onion (~ 100 g)
1 sweet potato (~ 150 g)
1 carrot (~ 150 g)
150 g green beans
150 g beansprouts
150 g cabbage
2-3 ears of Judas (~ 50 g)
a yellow egg
2-3 tablespoons flour
soybean oil
salt, pepper and a pinch of sugar to flavor

For the sauce:
4 tablespoons sugar
4 tablespoons Nuoc Mam
4 limes
2-3 cloves garlic 1

Cut vegetables into julienne and sauté 2-3 minutes in a pan with a little oil. Season with salt, pepper, and a pinch of sugar. Let cool.

On a plate, arrange three rice cakes (previously soaked in a few seconds of warm water to loosen them) in concentric circles. Place a spoon of stuffing at one end and sprinkle a little flour around. Fold sides first taking care to trap the filling, then roll.

Finish by brushing with a little egg yolk.

Repeat until all the filling, then fry a few minutes in plenty of oil until golden brown.

Let cool a few minutes on paper towels, the time to prepare Sweet & Sour sauce by mixing sugar, sauce fish, lime juice, garlic and chili, finely chopped. Divide sauce into four individual bowls and serve immediately accompanied by rolls.

Thanks Chief Seen!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Gentle Salicylic Dvr Wash

902 - The WEB, azure izarrien

Consider that without the conception of the piano in the nineteenth century, an obscure composer Chopin would vote for. In the absence of the internal combustion engine, Alain Prost would be champion of anything. ; In a culture devoid of theater, Sarah Bernhardt was a seamstress anonymous. Without the camera, point Desnos. Imagine the invention of the Lumière brothers ... What would be unnoticed Hitchcock, Chaplin, Delon, Jean Gabin and many other actors, filmmakers and screenwriters deified ? And what about the chess world champions if they had been deprived of their favorite toy? The winners of the Tour de France, have free-fall, ski or motorcycle, robbed of their essential tool would be nothing. All these heroes are in our eyes of ordinary men, the worst kind of poor, the shabby, if there were failures in their lives was the instrument of their glory.

If the piano had been established a thousand years earlier, how would we Frederic additional glorified? And all these inventions ever made, ever conceived but potentially achievable, how anonymous would they proved to posterity? Many men have found meaning in their lives, personal growth through such means, as applicable. But most of them have had their hands as hoes, harrows or stand for plowing. A small number, lucky, got a violin, a square, a manual of architecture instead of a shovel, a plow, rifle.

These are accessories that show men and make them geniuses in their field. Potentially, we're all geniuses. For most of us, it lacks the rattle may prove appropriate.

heroes, wits, artists and geniuses of mankind have been especially lucky to meet the appropriate accessories, the circumstances that have proven beneficial, not to mention the social context for distributing laurels because it this condition is also necessary: their activity is recognized by the whole community at a given time.

Otherwise they are considered geniuses sterile. It is noted that the definition of genius is sometimes arbitrary, based on purely commercial interests or passengers.

For example, the idle will excel in the art of making the least possible. Only society does not value the pursuit of idleness. It will therefore unnecessary for the eyes of workers, the majority. It nevertheless remains intrinsically the idler who worked his way of life at the highest level of refinement is a Mozart of its kind. It's the same for every human activity, from the street sweeper at astrophysicist contributing to advances in space exploration.

the way, have a special thought for those geniuses anonymous broom practicing their art in the dark, despised, misunderstood by the general public ...

The machine is on my computer that person was at the organ Bach: Keyboard for a monster to put up with.

INTERNET nonexistent, I'd be wandering like a composer, slashed his wand and his orchestra, as Armstrong in a world ignorant of the hydrogen propulsion, as in a Prost society free of cars racing, etc..

If not appeared the stringed instrument are struck, the illustrious pianist mentioned above never existed outside of his age. If had not been built the cars rolling, Prost was champion of anonymity. If there had been no growth this global ball game Zidane would be an illegal worker in the suburbs.

The Web is my Formula 1, my Stradivarius, my Everest, my epic, my brief "machine to become champion," like the ivory keys were the trigger for Chopin creativity. Without the arrival of his favorite toy in his day, what would become the composer Franco-Polish? Without the Apollo 11, Armstrong had left his footprints in the sand mundane Nevada. Without the music industry would have remained Johnny Hallyday Jean-Philippe Smet and Celine Dion a Canadian cow. Excluding the invention of cinematography Jean Gabin would have made a career as an operetta singer and would become a star ... a sub-prefecture of the Oise.

The web is my canvas to me, the space in which to paint a fresco witty and self-centered global dimensions.

Dalien Rant? No, drunkenness izarrienne!

is the instrument that makes the performer. It is true that far from INTERNET, I would be very little, at least outside the boundaries of my immediate environment. The reasoning is valid for all of us at all times and in all situations. Disinherited of their land, the farmer would not feel exist. Abolish the alphabet, plus Hugo! Lacking automobile, the average French would feel a void, etc.. There are as many examples as there are individuals on earth.

Going back
facts by the same logic as surely we can say that apart from the individual life is nothing! Not birth, nor earth, nor sun, nor galaxy, etc.. That would be 7 billion human beings? Everything has a purpose, people use whatever is at hand to rise. To be sure the ball will, for others the trumpet. For me it's the Web. Unlike that for some people the Web is the overflow of their mental garbage.

For me it is a space where my light spread.

Ideal space and almost infinite. This is where is the great distinction between the player and fiddle Mozart: the instrument is the developer of donkeys as far as geniuses. NET is my room singing. Much more than a brain prosthesis, more than an extension of my brain, something other than just support my thought: Internet is my piano with me.

Like Chopin, I'm a keyboard virtuoso.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Pokemon Silver R4 Cheats

Heaven, my picture!

In foraging a blog to another, I recently discovered the friendly initiative a group of bloggers who, for some time, agreed to publish each 15 month a photo from a set theme. In this January, it is with pleasure that I join the team for me also try to illustrate the temperature "in the sky". Alas, the shades of gray everywhere over Hanoi in recent day forces me to dig into the hard drive of my computer for this first appointment ... webbesque So a picture of our recent vacation to Shanghai can I get you here:

The arrow is reflected in the glass was, I guess, no need for lengthy presentations since it is the top of the Pearl of the Orient, the iconic monument of the city. Obviously, s i I knew this shot was going to serve to illustrate what can be spectacular immortalized in the sky, I tried to repeat the exercise before all the buildings of the Pudong district to find the spot ultimate (If any) which would have brought together other two iconic skyscrapers of the city are the Jin Mao Tower and the "opener", aka The World Financial Center, which here is a detail of facade.

Especially, I would have walked around with something other than a compact ... Too bad! I'll try to do better next time with my new Sony hybrid.

Meanwhile, do not miss, like me, go take a walk among the other participants of the photo of the month. It was customary to say that the grass is always greener on the neighbor. The sky will be there also more blue? And what a surprise we unveil there? The response in Olivier, Anne , Veronique , Virginia , Shandar , Jo Ann , Sandrine , Fabienne , Damien, Marie , Nolwenn , Celine in Paris, Anne fra Sveits , Céliano , Caro, William , Mandy , TItem , Carolina, Doremi , Sophie , Drum Major , Nathalie , Francis, Melanie , Chris , Godnat , Clara, Viviane , Tania ,, Thib , Genki , 100driiine , Gouli , Daniele , Ludo , Alice , Celine , Carolette , Claude , Pépinette , Sebastian , Dorydee , The azimutée , Marion, blogoth67 , DelphineEtJulie , Cynthia , Ennairam , Caro [line] and Doréus . ;
