Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Pokemon White Game Shark Cheats

WOMAN IS AN ANIMAL ( continued)

This article was Xavier Louis de Izarra (brother Raphaël Zacharie de Izarra, the author of this BLOG). Readers who are interested can contact to him at:

Wives, be very attentive to the grounds and disrupting your right. It is they who will help you raise spiritually, to better analyze the dark forces who manipulate you. You'll be free the day you will master the reins of your ovaries.

Under all latitudes, in all cultures and from the history of mankind, the fact that women have been dominated by men is a proof of their inferiority. It is not physical strength, but intelligence. The human brain is in constant turmoil, a conqueror, a genius, a creative, a creative, a being curious.

While the woman is a womb connected on two legs heckled by his explosive emotions. When a woman is hit by a dream, an illusion, it may be more impressive because the image of women by causing uncontrollable hormonal surges. That is why we should forbid any television and violent image may become unstable.

The facts are there. Count the number of geniuses male, whether in mathematics, arts, philosophy, poetry, literature, physics, biology, economics, finance, performance of all kinds, and even in cooking and spirituality. How many men for a woman? Count yourself. All great that marked history are men: Abraham, Lao Tzu, Confucius, Buddha, Pythagoras, Jesus, Mohammed, Christopher Columbus, Leonardo da Vinci, Baudelaire, Einstein, Karl Marx, Bill Gates ...

of 21 th century, women "liberated" is still shackled by its crises ovary. We do not have more than female geniuses in the past. Know that when God embodies a soul in ostrich or woman, that he saw fit either way. If you're born a woman, then you deserve to experience a life of woman. Maybe God wanted to punish you because in a previous life you were a brute of a husband who tormented his wife? Anyway, it's better than being penguin because you have one foot in humans with the opportunity to meet the man.

However, should you despise the woman and beat her eventually as advised by Islam? Being a staunch defender of every being sensitive, I am against the hard way. Women must be respected as much as a cat, a panda or a calf.

other hand, it seems wise not to give too much power. Indeed, women in power tend to abuse them as if they wanted to avenge the divine decision. We know for example that female judges are more ruthless than even the small chiefs, turned back, minus the habens.

Recently, the man gave them the right to dispose of their bodies. Terrible result: 220 000 abortions per year in France alone. Admittedly, I admit there are sometimes dramatic cases, but how many abortions for trivial reasons? That's where we saw that the woman-friendly life is a myth. Similarly, unlike the poet hypocritical formula, the woman is not the future of man she would rather end.

By definition, a being dominated is weaker than the dominant. I am not responsible if the woman has always been under the thumb of the man and that there are rarely female geniuses. In the same vein, one might also mention that slavery is the result of a showdown between low and high. The slave is less intelligent than his oppressor, the invasion is less artful than the invader, the wolf devours the sheep. While it is unfortunate, but true.

In Western societies, women now have the same rights as men. Girls and boys follow the same instruction.

But it's always the men who dominate in all areas.

- The world chess champions are men.
- The top chefs are men.
- The greatest inventors are men.
- The best architects are men.
- The greatest artists are men. Etc..

Physical strength is a factor that stimulates the intellect as well as the habelité manual. The physical and thought are linked. Observe without preconceptions: the boys are naturally inclined to conquer, to look through a telescope to observe the ants to disassemble their toys, cutting a frog to see what she has in his stomach, reading Jules Verne etc..

Girls prefer toss jams, tangled hair or imitate Mom. By nature, they are neither creative nor curious. As a man, our duty is to extract them from their natural laziness. When a man finds a smart woman, he does not think clearly. It is for him a subtle way to introduce it.

While men have evolved according to their socio-cultural environment, as well as animals. I do not deny it. But in any modern society, power is seized by the most intelligent, that is to say man.

Regarding human races, some are more intelligent than others. If this is true for dogs, it is also true for humans. Why deny it? The intelligence of the human race depends, as for the woman and the laboratory rat, the cultural and geographic environment. The Jews for example are one of the smartest breeds in the world. They shine in many areas. The Mediterranean boosted the intelligence of its people through its configuration that led to exchange, to fight, to confront, for the benefit of everyone.

In contrast, primitive Amazon and Africa can not develop their intelligence because of the climate and especially from their isolation. And then he simply extend his arm to pluck a banana, why develop intelligence to invent agronomy?

The superiority of men over women is not as physical. If this were the case, the elephants have taken power on Earth. But it is true that intelligence has its downside. In women, crawfish and goats, there is only no Hitler, no Mao, no Stalin.

The devil is a man, but God and Jesus too.

Seeing the world as a bloodbath is typically female because you are unable to remove images that disturb your mind. In women, everything is pink or black. She might as well cry for a chick that crushed swoon before a cooked carrot.

However, the man knows how to judge the world objectively. He sees both its ugliness and its beauties. The man destroyed, but he knows also build and rebuild. Remember that if he kills, it is often to protect their livestock, his property, his wives, his children, his meadows. his horse. He is your protector.

Man stands spiritually, always seeking the highest. But compared to the woman, he is the lead climber. Its role is to guide women and all of creation thinking towards the peaks.

I know that my words are shocking, yet I do not want to shock but to restore some truths. I am not responsible for the truth, that is.

Xavier Louis de Izarra


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