Saturday, January 15, 2011

Pokemon Silver R4 Cheats

Heaven, my picture!

In foraging a blog to another, I recently discovered the friendly initiative a group of bloggers who, for some time, agreed to publish each 15 month a photo from a set theme. In this January, it is with pleasure that I join the team for me also try to illustrate the temperature "in the sky". Alas, the shades of gray everywhere over Hanoi in recent day forces me to dig into the hard drive of my computer for this first appointment ... webbesque So a picture of our recent vacation to Shanghai can I get you here:

The arrow is reflected in the glass was, I guess, no need for lengthy presentations since it is the top of the Pearl of the Orient, the iconic monument of the city. Obviously, s i I knew this shot was going to serve to illustrate what can be spectacular immortalized in the sky, I tried to repeat the exercise before all the buildings of the Pudong district to find the spot ultimate (If any) which would have brought together other two iconic skyscrapers of the city are the Jin Mao Tower and the "opener", aka The World Financial Center, which here is a detail of facade.

Especially, I would have walked around with something other than a compact ... Too bad! I'll try to do better next time with my new Sony hybrid.

Meanwhile, do not miss, like me, go take a walk among the other participants of the photo of the month. It was customary to say that the grass is always greener on the neighbor. The sky will be there also more blue? And what a surprise we unveil there? The response in Olivier, Anne , Veronique , Virginia , Shandar , Jo Ann , Sandrine , Fabienne , Damien, Marie , Nolwenn , Celine in Paris, Anne fra Sveits , Céliano , Caro, William , Mandy , TItem , Carolina, Doremi , Sophie , Drum Major , Nathalie , Francis, Melanie , Chris , Godnat , Clara, Viviane , Tania ,, Thib , Genki , 100driiine , Gouli , Daniele , Ludo , Alice , Celine , Carolette , Claude , Pépinette , Sebastian , Dorydee , The azimutée , Marion, blogoth67 , DelphineEtJulie , Cynthia , Ennairam , Caro [line] and Doréus . ;



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