Friday, January 14, 2011

Completion Of Community Service Letter Template

And the winner is ... Self

Ouch, newspapers have some tendency to pile on the kitchen table recently. So just this morning I came across this brief Courrier du Vietnam dated January 5:
Vietnam is the country more optimistic in the world. Asked about their future, 70% of Vietnamese have expressed confidence about the economic outlook for 2011, against 30% average in the world. These results of a survey entitled "Voice of the People", conducted from 30 November to 1 December 2010 by the French institute BVA in over 50 countries, which was released Jan. 2 by the newspaper Le Parisien. According to the survey, people from developed countries are pessimistic while those in emerging economies are optimistic about the economic outlook. BVA analysts stressed that the economic growth of over 6.8% in 2010 allowed the Vietnamese to address the year 2011 with a light foot.

I heard a lot about this poll broadcast on France Inter and RTL (the Hexagon is apparently last on the list); I'm rather surprised discovered that the local newspaper devoted only a few lines to the new. The occasion was to launch yet beautiful, once again, a few flowers to the glory of the Party.

course, a poll is worth what it is but there is no doubt that energy is now much more positive on this side of the world than in any European country. Question optimism, so we have a lot to learn here. Especially me! He does not go a day without me measure my chance to live this great adventure of expatriation. But now a year has passed soon, I can not help but start thinking about when he will (maybe / maybe / no question??) pack up. And if that famous glass was already half empty ? Arghhhhhh!

Well, another good news story to chase the dark thoughts, somewhere further down the stack:
Ho Chi Minh City welcomes its foreign tourist 3.000.000e
At Tan Son Nhat Airport, the Department of Culture, Sport and Tourism of Ho Chi Minh City, the Municipal Association of Tourism and national airline Vietnam Airlines co-hosted the morning of December 21 a welcoming ceremony for the 3.000.000e foreign tourist came in the metropolis of the South in 2010. This is the Russian Nina Fedorova, on Flight No. 526 of Vietnam Airlines flights from Moscow. [...] Ho Chi Minh City will host this year 3.1 million foreign visitors, an increase of 20% in one year.

Chance I seem to have done particularly well things pointing to a flight from Moscow (Vietnam has long eyes at the Russian market ...).

Anyway, you imagine the horror of having to undergo such a welcoming committee of your plane down, his mouth full floured?


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