Thursday, January 27, 2011

Where Can I Find Free Sean Cody?

904 - Nestorine is jut

Today's colossal Nestorine decided to go run the buck, just to stretch their fists (for when she is in heat, she bangs!) and aerate the ovaries .

She chose to be shaken by Alphonse guts killer pigs. Alphonse is a strapping mine Asshole, surly face crossed by a long scar. It is an authentic désoûle brute who never wins and his hooch in slaying of pigs in farms in the area on behalf of butchers chestnuts. It is also a poacher illiterate, a kind of skunk two legs, a primary soul, a heart of stone, leather instead of the skin. It is a bear, a wolf, an ox.

short, the kind of person that does not meet especially on country roads, unless they are armed. But Alphonse is innocent in the eyes of Nestorine a simple appetizer, a wimp "sissy" écouillée a fag good at anything helpless woman, a Manure unable fag what not even a man ... Oh my! Nestorine but is not difficult in choosing its partners, in his view there is no breeding worthy of the name in his brutal world. She would have preferred a man, a real one instead of the effete sissy Alphonse. Seen, the criteria of seduction and masculinity as Nestorine are very selective. It sets the bar very high.

With Nestorine Bridal approach is reduced to its simplest expression:

- The Alphonse, there's the guts of Fumel you stuff! Come to me pack the viscaille with your braquacouille!

this delicate invites Alphonse is no exception:

- Nestorine, you want the braquaille in Fumel? Here, take my big pinnace therefore meat in your boat!

These words barely exchanged between two lovers, the beautiful Nestorine is jut on the spot by the beast. Not without having hit his partner somewhat dampened by bad alcohol in order to put the ideas into place. Once completed the odious union, the two lovers are separated without a word. Alphonse is usually rung masted copiously by the fiery female flesh insatiable.

Again, Nestorine terror is a young girl, barely twenty, a juggernaut all muscle, an inexhaustible well of energy, a mountain of testosterone, the pognes lumberjack, a breast Centurion . One hundred and twenty kilos of violence, granite and tenderness in the rough. A wrestling champion in petticoats. It hits hard the Nestorine, especially when in rut.

Nestorine, believing that her womb was well besognée, it now returns to his farm: "There's a beef slaughter udder gut for the feast of St. Hippolytus. "For you must know that the St-Hyppolite's party at the farm. Do not you dare to ask especially Nestorine what feast on the farm that day , otherwise you could be leaving plumes.

Tip: Avoid at all costs to cross the road Nestorine. What say you? Whether it is after all a young girl, barely Twenty years? Do not be fooled by appearances!

You who play the heroes in your living room city, we can see that you've never seen her at work, the "beautiful" Nestorine ...


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