Friday, January 28, 2011

Straight Bathtub,pillow

906 - Futility employment

Having never been triturated by any desire for social advancement, of "financial freedom", professional growth, I have lived until about thirty years with my parents.

These were the happiest years of my life. Perfectly penniless, during this long period I have at no time dreamed of earning, on the contrary.

The prospect of financial independence I have never deceived, but the reason for my entire life have I made any claim in paid work. Access to material goods (car garage for the house, sofas, patio umbrellas, pool, electric gate, vacations, boiler, conservatory, skis, camper, boat, etc.). any time since I was always unnecessary been for me a form of slavery to futile causes.

A bit of pocket money for my amusements of Peter Pan just me greatly. Why require the existence of comfort and dreams that I had been with my bed, my desk and my typewriter in his father's extensive library crammed with old books, more than enjoyment, free sound and immediately accessible than afforded me the elements, seasons, the simple things of everyday life, more food than those treasures that my parents were recovering in the bins around the shops?

I was driving as well as anyone that practicing hitchhiking. So I went to visit all regions of France and a dozen European countries. My local travel effected by the same means. I was like a vehicle owner, the disadvantages of ownership and less.

Also I do not understand that young people without work -but not without food security and basic hardware- not be satisfied with their lot, sterile turlupin by dreams of car ownership, vacation in the sun , home buying ... I can understand that it requires a job when you're in a situation really critical, but when one has access to resources for certain minimum, I consider it a heresy, a luxury most shameful and anti-civic behavior inspired by the pure selfishness of the fact demand work, a wage, then so many other young people far from being in a situation so lucky have a legitimate need that myself!

I believe in a socio-professional difficulty where there is so much unemployment, the least we can do for a young person with access from the outset at subsistence level without the absolute obligation to earn a salary, is to be content with what he has and leave room for others, fathers and unemployed penniless, who really need to work.

This did not prevent him from living, INDEED!

An unemployed young yet fast- physical security which was my case should thank fate and take the opportunity to take his life to something more exciting than finding a job. Do not have to work to finance the purchase of a car, house, lounge, kitchen, etc.. is an opportunity. Yet convinced that their salvation can only be achieved by the accumulation material goods as well as futile and grotesque mimicry by the office based on the dominant model, the unemployed youth will swell the unemployment figures by claiming to have a society in which it has basically not necessary.

Wanting to be able to work to build a house when we already have a roof over his head for food while the welfare trash provides in part to the dishes and desserts or to own a car then you can make free long and short distances with the vehicles of others, it remains secondary, superficial, the fun that we take mistaken for serious things.

You will argue that a young person who wants a life together and start a family must free itself from the proximity and dependency parenting ... Wrong! Until early last century in France extended families were formed within the same household, and even now the thing is common in countries where the patriarchal mentality and sense of family remains deeply rooted. And it works perfectly. Myself for years I remained under the parental roof without money, happy between the contents of my trash expensive, guests dusty shelves of the library and looks surprised but very real indeed a companion, who in turn passed smoothly the system opposite to mine.

vulgar Unfortunately in our society based mainly on material satisfaction, other benefits we offer generous fate, nature or even age is not universally appreciated. Any question that is "intelligence of the situation," maturity of mind, independence of thought.

With my copy off course circuit of the labor market is completely detached from social inconsistencies, but insensitive nonsense material responsive to simple and natural beauties of life, I am the most glaring illustration of the validity of the model izarrien, so the accuracy and relevance of these remarks.


I any comments ahead of opponents, stating that there is no shame in being with his parents until thirty years or more. The shame is useless to think or to underestimate the pretext that it does not work in the eyes of society. A man is not a machine, not a robot. It is not on Earth to be useful in an economic system but to live free.

I'm lucky it is true and that's exactly what I said in my text. I am not alone in having this chance that some see as a bad luck unfortunately. They have as much chance as me but believe themselves disadvantaged by lot and, influenced by the speech outside and the seductions of the world of unnecessary work, require to be employed advantageously when they could do without! Because of the influence of consumer society and recognition through paid work erected in true religion, some have everything for them and yet have believed all against them. Find a job in my eyes is a disqualification when you can live without excessive hardware fasteners on the basis of minimum income.

I add that I work, except that my work is not recognized under the pretext that it earns me any money.

Once an activity does not make money, in general it is devalued by society. Yet there are lazy and hardworking employees unpaid.

Know finally I hate laziness, carelessness, the life of the parasite. In any case I've been promoting laziness. I just praised the freedom of thought and activity.


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