Saturday, January 1, 2011

Anterior Myometrium Fibroid Treatment

900 - Wolves of Islam

true piety of devout Muslims. Their religion has not been corrupted by the luxuries of the century, it has managed to remain virile, authentic, pure, virginal as the rough and veil their women.

Unfortunately for the vast majority of those people who practice a peaceful Islam, a handful of black sheep discredits the entire community.

extreme intolerance of a few fanatical criminals is neither more nor less stupidity but also the most basic of abject evil that turns a harmless religion a sect of barbarians illuminated straight after a medieval frightening and sordid. That Muslims seduced by the intrepid izarrien speech extolling the virtues and defending Muslim values against Western decadence not wrong on my stance: it is not because I defend the outline of a system, a thought, a religion that I'm not going to denounce the large and small across. The Muslim religion, so beautiful and noble it is, is no less tainted by the inside boils, I mean course, these killers fundamentalists completely stupid with their grotesque speech, poor misguided stubborn, intolerant fanatics who believe but are pure filth. Besides, I am convinced that true Muslims do not seek any excuse for these pious killers who contribute to their community place on the throne of the world media disgrace. No Muslim virtuous about equating the izarrien promoting the Islamic veil in defense of Muslim terrorists.

Justice, the height of view is to speak out against the prevailing Islamophobia that exists in France to stand up against these fake Republicans doing proof of guilt intolerance carriers sailing, but also to denounce as frankly and without any ambiguity filthy crimes committed by these Muslim savages, degenerates, perverts who are totally really real bloodthirsty beasts disguised as saints .

These souls of brutes who understood nothing of their religion are corrupt and evil as the mafia who traffic, kill, exploit, pollute the world with their harmful acts and thoughts, their abhorrent methods are comparable. Scoundrels organized mafias and cattle killers in the pay of Allah denatured more scoundrel than divine: some are as miserable as the others.

It is hoped that these tappers, murderers and other bombers claiming Islam emerged as a turgor unhealthy on Muslim crescent, will be opposed by the powerful antibodies that holds that religion inherently honest mainly composed of followers moderate, sensible, civilized humans.

I invite Muslims sincere and courageous not to leave their beautiful religion stink by the exhalations of a few hateful murderous madmen who dishonor, degradation, disqualifies it in the eyes of the world.


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