Saturday, January 8, 2011

What Kind Of Sweatshirt Should I Wear With A Polo

The sky is gray above Hanoi since our return from vacation. With temperatures running around 10 ° C, we can say now that winter is actually installed. The ideal combination, in my case, for an hour or two snuggle on the couch and puisqu'Alex Hadrian finally succumbed to the arms of Morpheus. Greg, meanwhile, must now thoroughly enjoi 28 ° C in Saigon. He flew this morning for the presentation of a big project and will not be back until Monday night
(if any trèèèèèès goes well with a good news, but chuuuut!, it is best not to sell the bear's skin before it was shipped in the hold ...)

ince of our recent road-chip Shanghai, j e

dream kilims, cowhide, upholstery fabrics, ornaments, lampshades, vintage trunks, colorful cushions, antique commodes revisited, tables pop craftsmen. Basically, I dream about it:

© Casa Pagoda
The expats in China and Thailand will likely have recognized the very eclectic style and assumed
Casa Pagoda
. Too bad it does not exist in our branch. I have never worshiped especially Chesterfields, quite the opposite, but with James Dean on it, it changes everything, do not you think?


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