Monday, January 10, 2011

How To Tile Around A Bath


This article was Xavier Louis de Izarra (brother Raphaël Zacharie de Izarra, the author of this BLOG). Readers who are interested can contact him at:

I can not stand feminists.

Their vision of man is so partisan and simplistic caricature that it is hilarious.

Spiritually speaking, a woman is a child, an unfinished human, a being who can not communicate other than through her tears and emotions.

A woman does not reason, she can not reason, it will never argue. However she frolics, she babbles, she moved, she cries. It is a thing without substance, variable, which melts like a marshmallow squashed any larva. In all civilizations, and since the origin of man, one finds no woman the size of Moses, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad.

God is male. He did not incarnate in a skirt little girl but a man. Father, son and Holy Spirit are not Pissy evaporated, but men posed, powerful and domineering.

Complain to God for making you a woman. Before being under the thumb of the males, you depend above all on your physiology: it is you who bear children who are breastfeeding, that suffer your rules and your hormonal mounted. Hysteria (étym. uterus) is typically female.

It is God who created you and because - just as the whole of creation - you are in the service of man. You are a man as barren garden fruitful. You are hollow gourds that man fills Seed and Intellect. All women in the world drop their panties to receive the pair of balls they lack. The woman, this thing frivolous, spends his life hiding that she did not. Only fools allow themselves to be taken.

You women, you are animals domesticated for human use. Bless the man who deigns to your teacher you love. You are sentenced to scrub your pots of money, darning our old socks, to receive the male domination without flinching and to prepare a good soup. Like all the females, you laid small, your hormones you knead the brain governs you and your uterus.

And when your man returns from his amorous conquests, you kiss her feet with love.

Xavier Louis de Izarra


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