Monday, January 17, 2011

Gentle Salicylic Dvr Wash

902 - The WEB, azure izarrien

Consider that without the conception of the piano in the nineteenth century, an obscure composer Chopin would vote for. In the absence of the internal combustion engine, Alain Prost would be champion of anything. ; In a culture devoid of theater, Sarah Bernhardt was a seamstress anonymous. Without the camera, point Desnos. Imagine the invention of the Lumière brothers ... What would be unnoticed Hitchcock, Chaplin, Delon, Jean Gabin and many other actors, filmmakers and screenwriters deified ? And what about the chess world champions if they had been deprived of their favorite toy? The winners of the Tour de France, have free-fall, ski or motorcycle, robbed of their essential tool would be nothing. All these heroes are in our eyes of ordinary men, the worst kind of poor, the shabby, if there were failures in their lives was the instrument of their glory.

If the piano had been established a thousand years earlier, how would we Frederic additional glorified? And all these inventions ever made, ever conceived but potentially achievable, how anonymous would they proved to posterity? Many men have found meaning in their lives, personal growth through such means, as applicable. But most of them have had their hands as hoes, harrows or stand for plowing. A small number, lucky, got a violin, a square, a manual of architecture instead of a shovel, a plow, rifle.

These are accessories that show men and make them geniuses in their field. Potentially, we're all geniuses. For most of us, it lacks the rattle may prove appropriate.

heroes, wits, artists and geniuses of mankind have been especially lucky to meet the appropriate accessories, the circumstances that have proven beneficial, not to mention the social context for distributing laurels because it this condition is also necessary: their activity is recognized by the whole community at a given time.

Otherwise they are considered geniuses sterile. It is noted that the definition of genius is sometimes arbitrary, based on purely commercial interests or passengers.

For example, the idle will excel in the art of making the least possible. Only society does not value the pursuit of idleness. It will therefore unnecessary for the eyes of workers, the majority. It nevertheless remains intrinsically the idler who worked his way of life at the highest level of refinement is a Mozart of its kind. It's the same for every human activity, from the street sweeper at astrophysicist contributing to advances in space exploration.

the way, have a special thought for those geniuses anonymous broom practicing their art in the dark, despised, misunderstood by the general public ...

The machine is on my computer that person was at the organ Bach: Keyboard for a monster to put up with.

INTERNET nonexistent, I'd be wandering like a composer, slashed his wand and his orchestra, as Armstrong in a world ignorant of the hydrogen propulsion, as in a Prost society free of cars racing, etc..

If not appeared the stringed instrument are struck, the illustrious pianist mentioned above never existed outside of his age. If had not been built the cars rolling, Prost was champion of anonymity. If there had been no growth this global ball game Zidane would be an illegal worker in the suburbs.

The Web is my Formula 1, my Stradivarius, my Everest, my epic, my brief "machine to become champion," like the ivory keys were the trigger for Chopin creativity. Without the arrival of his favorite toy in his day, what would become the composer Franco-Polish? Without the Apollo 11, Armstrong had left his footprints in the sand mundane Nevada. Without the music industry would have remained Johnny Hallyday Jean-Philippe Smet and Celine Dion a Canadian cow. Excluding the invention of cinematography Jean Gabin would have made a career as an operetta singer and would become a star ... a sub-prefecture of the Oise.

The web is my canvas to me, the space in which to paint a fresco witty and self-centered global dimensions.

Dalien Rant? No, drunkenness izarrienne!

is the instrument that makes the performer. It is true that far from INTERNET, I would be very little, at least outside the boundaries of my immediate environment. The reasoning is valid for all of us at all times and in all situations. Disinherited of their land, the farmer would not feel exist. Abolish the alphabet, plus Hugo! Lacking automobile, the average French would feel a void, etc.. There are as many examples as there are individuals on earth.

Going back
facts by the same logic as surely we can say that apart from the individual life is nothing! Not birth, nor earth, nor sun, nor galaxy, etc.. That would be 7 billion human beings? Everything has a purpose, people use whatever is at hand to rise. To be sure the ball will, for others the trumpet. For me it's the Web. Unlike that for some people the Web is the overflow of their mental garbage.

For me it is a space where my light spread.

Ideal space and almost infinite. This is where is the great distinction between the player and fiddle Mozart: the instrument is the developer of donkeys as far as geniuses. NET is my room singing. Much more than a brain prosthesis, more than an extension of my brain, something other than just support my thought: Internet is my piano with me.

Like Chopin, I'm a keyboard virtuoso.


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