Saturday, January 8, 2011

Invocations For Anniversary

901 - Farrah Fawcett-Izarra: Interview-truth

It was time that the press focuses on the phenomenon: Raphaël Zacharie de Izarra the rising star of literary WEB begins to intrigue a lot of people with obsessions fawcettiennes ... Our editorial team has sent her prettiest reporter at Le Mans (we know too much aesthetic master interviews as to how to afford the risk to be turned down!) to learn more about the fad of Hugo Sarthe.

Reporter: Mary-Jane of the Briand for "The Point".

Raphaël Zacharie de Izarra, for some time the French blogosphere had noticed the recurring allusions, direct or indirect to Farrah Fawcett-through your text. Not just in the French-speaking countries but also elsewhere in the world along with your writing as you publish videos on Farrah Fawcett (not dozens, not hundreds but tens of thousands), always the same , on YOUTUBE. This necessarily has an impact on your international reputation, given the number of video and broadcast ... say strangeness. There are even users who you accuse of monopolizing the public space of the canvas with your film productions everywhere.

- Already I arrest you right away: my videos are not all the same, contrary to what you claim. Indeed, there are slight differences in shades and intensities of light between each video posted to each account. This is especially true that technically does not duplicate YOUTUBE.

reveal to our readers the origin of your strange fixation on Farrah Fawcett at the point of spread Thousands of videos about him on all places of accommodation and Internet networks available? You would not be a little bit in love with the beautiful Farrah by chance?

- It is natural that people are intrigued by this behavior typically izarrien. But what do you want? Like beauty, true. I am deeply in love with the beauty and can not help pay the light on the world.

Raphaël Zacharie de Izarra, you exaggerate a little?

- Listen, if the inveterate anti-Izarra suffer not to see Farrah Fawcett in painting, they are free to ignore my videos. It's as simple as that. However, they can rest assured: Farrah Fawcett had died last year and a half, they will not risk the crossing time soon! At least not in this world. This might explain the behavior izarrien ... Begin to answer at least for all those wondering.

you afraid of death Raphaël Zacharie de Izarra?

- I'm not afraid of death. Or rather ... I'm not afraid of death. Or to be more exact, more honest ... I'm less afraid of death before because I learned to tame. Attention, I did not say that I had actually already tamed I'm learning step of his approach.

Tell us about your changing feelings toward lady grim reaper.

- Do you really think that people want to know my relationship with death and how my introspective approach it? I do not think useful to others in this field. On the contrary, I rather think it's everyone to find itself in the answers to his intimate anxieties. Each forward-or backward- at their own pace. I'm progressing with my feet and I do not think we are on the way Supreme chaussions all the same size, you see. Death is a silent friend with an incredible presence, a harsh and beautiful companion to the teeth certainly ambiguous but bright-smiling predator Farrah Fawcett is not far-, such sneering glance at the gaunt face is an invitation the Discovery, patiently sitting on the edge of infinity.

Have you then no crime to criticize you to tackle the problem with a look as serene Raphaël Zacharie de Izarra?

- Until now I have lived without hate and have always taken things in life rather fatal, with gratitude, unable to avoid them. I have no remorse or victim blame me and not behind no burden that could hinder some climbing. I so naive to believe that my earthly few crimes are not very heavy, ma'am. Maybe some carnal escapades. But little else.

The flesh is weak Raphaël Zacharie de Izarra, who would you blame for such trifles? In this context we can better understand your fascination with Farrah Fawcett.

- Think again, my eyes Farrah Fawcett is away from the sensual creature. And like many blondes a bit sickly, or bone, it does not inspire any intoxication hymen. I have absolutely no physical attraction to this woman who sometimes adopted even toilets very vulgar in his mundane existence. This woman is American, she therefore had to suffer the stigma odious. This cultural detail aside, do you know the beauty, real beauty I mean, absolutely every emotion transcends profane. Beauty does not make me run in circles around my instincts, rather it enlightens me, lifts me, gives me wings, gets me out of myself. Beauty Farrah Fawcett is magnetic as to forget his sexual condition, not very interesting as a skinny blonde, also. I do not see a woman temptress on his face but the Cosmos. Or rather, I see the face of the infinite beauty because it is the gateway to infinity. The infinite, as death. You know, the grim reaper to the perfect teeth quietly sitting on the edge of all ...

You were talking about carnal escapades Raphaël Zacharie de Izarra. And as for Romania?

- I do not know what you mean.

Let. But I thought it was an interview-truth ... Back to Farrah Fawcett: What does your wife Isabella of his late rival?

- Go ask him. But I can already tell you she hates interviews. My wife is shy and discreet. She prefers to adopt a prudent silence rather than expose themselves to highly risky hype. And then, she is crushed by the size of my person, I think she's far too lucky to live with me for daring to blame my choices. Attraction female obsessions aesthetic preferences pristine: it all goes as long as it is the price to pay for my happiness.

Preferences virginal?

- Yes, I speak of Farrah Fawcett. Its purely angelic image of virginity is very close to the extreme of counting the dead dressed in her own bones when death smiles, because it shows everything is naked. And when it does you the sweet tooth, skinny as she is, believe it forever! No compromise with her. A little effort now: between the infinite and childhood, the link is not very difficult to establish, at least through the sensitivity izarrienne. Do you think the shortest distance between this world and mysterious part is it between the old and the death that awaits him or between being childish and the few years separating him from his birth? I think the toddler is closer to the invisible than is the dying. So simply put, the Farrah Fawcett smile is a skeleton face the star turns his back on a dying man who receives the pebbles in front of a mischievous child full of joy. Unless everything I say is an artifice designed to thicken the fyke mystery Izarra ... This is one way as another serve my cause. See for yourself.

Raphaël Zacharie de Izarra, our readers thought that you despise the time of childhood because of its restrictive nature, its own infirmities and views that you qualify for low and regressive, they were also convinced that you never uses questionable schemes to achieve your goals ...

- I'm contradictory. Is it forbidden? True freedom is not the rigidity or coherence, it is also and especially in the paradox. And the paradox izarrien is in itself a great lesson of true freedom!

And as for Romania?

- Again Madam I do not see what you mean. Thank you not to ask me.

Will you continue to flood the canvas of your follies izarriennes?

- Not follies izarriennes but universal truths. To answer your question, because I'm seriously thinking to increase my YOUTUBE accounts (I have already created more than 80) order to publish tens of thousands of other videos dedicated to beauty. I hope to exceed 100 000 units.

Raphaël Zacharie de Izarra is it not a little vain these tens of thousands of videos posted on YouTube, most of which has not yet been seen and never will, because your videos Farrah Fawcett look alike in outline?

- My problem is not visible per se, but to occupy space in general in all possible directions, up, down, far away, nearby, in this The past and future, on the canvas and souls in the hearts and minds and even in the guts on the ground and even on the moon if possible. Correct my presence everywhere, this is my goal and I'm not hiding at all.

The relationship with Farrah Fawcett?

- Check the side of Romania, you may have an answer.

Should I assume that you already want to end this interview-Raphaël Zacharie de Izarra truth?

- That's what you assume. Thank you ma'am, you were very enjoyable to watch throughout this interview because you're a beautiful woman and you know my special sensitivity for pretty things. I hope that maintenance will earn you praise and gratitude to the editor. Do not miss your station and welcome back to the capital. Let me kiss your hand before you take leave.

MJ of Briande


Balance centered right in the middle of clichés:


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